
What can I do about my shyness?

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Ok so I'm a really shy person and I have been diagnosed with mild depression and mild anxiety (GAD) and mild shyness... So like its really hard to talk to people because I'm constantly worrying that what I say is going to come out stupid and people tend to walk all over me because they know im insecure and shy and its like I worry about my reputation is shot as ive been with this school for a year and its like no matter how hard I try people still see me as shy and when I get messed with I get really insecure and extra shy and then it cycles back around. And towards the end of the day I have so much tension because I want friends so bad and im always worrying about how I can get friends but at the same time I can't break my shyness rut because I worry im not good enough or cool enough because i'm slightly overweight and i worry that people will think im fat and for example last semester i spent $200 on "cool clothes" from abercrombie and fitch thinking that i would look so cool and people would cling to be and yes it can make you "shine" but they dont do the work for you - if your shy people will stay away no matter what your shirt says. By the way im going to be a sophmore... What do you think???




  1. I used to be going out with this guy who was EXTREMLY shy and who never really had any friends because of it. I had known him since we were very young so he was ok with me,but whenever there was anyone else around he would just retreat into himself and say nothing. He would get very depressed and felt totally worthless because of it. I was always coming up with new ways to get him out of his shell and one of the best ways was to get him to do simple things like walking with his head up and making eye contact, basically pretending to be more confident than you are,it rubs off on you and you actually start to believe it.Also, a realy good way was when youre talking to someone imagine youre sombody else with nothing to lose (maybe somebody you know who has social skills or certain qualities that you admire) , it really works if you get into it,Ive even tried it myself!  You should also look into NLP (neuro linguistic programming) its unbelievable, its basically reprogramming your brain, understanding why you feel the things you do about yourself and how to turn them around into more positive things and how to relate to and talk to other people. Personally I'd swear by it and so would the other people ive introduced to it. good luck and I hope it all works out for you. X  

  2. I think that you should come back with an attitude like "OK, I'm going to prove these people wrong and am going to open up to them." Trust me, I was in your same situation 3-5 years ago. Ask them about their interests, and compliment them. They'll warm up to you after a while. By the way have confidence.......ways to build up confidence it to practice something you're really good at. Trust me it'll work.

  3. All you have to do is stand up straight, think big adn dont worry about wat other people say about you :)

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