
What can I do about my son's views regarding the global warming?

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I would like serious answers only on this one. To begin, my 14 year old son is a full blown skeptic where the greenhouse effect is concerned. In one respect it drives me crazy that he is oblivious to all the evidence that this is a very real concern. It is of particular importance for our young people to take action where we've been corrupt. 2nd, I sometimes sense that this is a defense mechanism he uses to deal with it but the truth of it all is just too scary to deal with. The problem is that it is specifically because so many of us chose to hide our heads in the sand that we are where we are today. Your thoughts on this are appreciated.




  1. im 14 i believe we should all help out trying to make earth safer but maybe your son thinks of it this way,"they made the mess let them clean it up"

    also u cant exactly change how people feel think

  2. Sorry Mom he is right.. Global Warming is a scam for the Left to rob U ..  

  3. Have him was the Al Gore Movie with you. Have him pause the movie everytime he has a question. try to answer the question and if can not answer the question look it up in the internet.

  4. im 14 and i dont believe in man made global warming

    please dont watch the inconvenient truth

    there are so many lies in that video

    and dont try to change your sons thoughts

    you shood still try to help the environment, but trust me, study it yourself( i did), and you will find thats its really i huge hoax

    17,000 scientist have signed the oregon petition that says that there is not nearly enough evidense to support global warming

    read the source

  5. don't ram your twisted views down his throat

  6. It's not uncommon for a person's son to be more intelligent than their parents.

    You seem closed minded.  At least he is open minded about the subject and wants more proof.  You should be proud that he doesn't fall for every con that comes down the pike.

    You seem to be already convinced of a global situation that is based on a theory with no proof as of yet and is losing ground fast.  Most scientists agree that humans don't cause climate change.

    So get your head out of the sand and research the subject. Go to the library and look for "The politically incorrect guide to global warming, and environmentalism" by Christopher Horner.

    Go over it with your son and you may both learn a few things.

    If you don't like to read books, here are some links:

  7. I would say congratulate him on having a keen and discerning mind able to see through to the truth about one of the biggest and most profitable con games of the last hundred years. This kid has a real future as an investigative reporter digging out the truth for the people not smart enough to see it. Then have him sit down and teach you about how your ways of looking at things are wrong and environmentally harmful to the world.

  8. He is 14. Skepticism is healthy at this age.  Let him grow and mature and come to his own conclusions.

  9. Just because you have sucommed to the lies from people that want to run your life, do you want you children to be robots too.

  10. Well everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

    But I hear what you're saying.

    Although many 14 year olds are skeptical of many things.

    Try to watch "An Inconvienient Truth" with him.

    And whenever you do something eco friendly when he's around (which should be alot) explain it a bit.

  11. It sounds as though he is wise beyond his years.

  12. You might try pointing out to him that most of the pollution that gives greenhouse gases ALSO gives other dangerous materials into the environment that also have hazardous consequences.

    For instance, even if the carbon dioxide that comes from the burning of coal for electricity is not warming the planet, the soot DOES contain sulfur that comes down in acid rain that releases aluminum into the ground water and weakens fish, and the soot DOES contain mercury that is a very hazardous neurotoxin that will build up in the flesh of fish and other animals that we eat.

    You could point out that deforestation may not be heating the planet, but it DOES add to the likelihood that a suburban area built in place of the forest will be susceptible to flash flooding that would normally have been diluted by the trees and the wild grasses. The recent catastrophic flooding in the Midwest is estimated to have wiped out vast areas of cereal grains that will cause further disruption in the price of food worldwide.

    You could point out that water pollution is destroying reefs and inland marshes which DOES deprive fish of places to feed and grow large enough to be tasty fish sticks, and the loss of coastal marshes DOES make the impact of severe weather much more devastating.

    Even if global warming is not happening, man's influence is having profound effects on our food supply. If not addressed, someday Charlton Heston will be right, Soylent Green really IS people. Mangia!

  13. Actually, I applaud your son for not being swept away in all the bias from media, government, and yes, even science and is able to avoid being indoctrinated by the schools into a little green zombie.  I think you should take a look at both sides of the issue.  It's not as clear cut as you think.  

  14. Hello there.

    You have many really good answers.   I hope you will go through them and choose a BEST ANSWER from among those who have contributed.  

    All too often, people pour out their hearts with fantastic answers... spend much time with trying to help ...  and get no thanks.

    You should be a responsible Yahoo Asker and choose which

    answer you feel has helped you the most !!!

  15. I'd suggest that you do some basic research of the science (if you haven't already - the links below are a good start) and then try to sit down with him and have a scientific conversation about it.  Ask him specifically why he doesn't believe the increased greenhouse effect is causing the current warming, then explain what's wrong with his argument.

    I agree that while remaining in denial about such a scary subject is understandable, we need to face up to it in order to solve the problem.  Especially the younger generations.  Good luck.

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