
What can I do about my son being beat up at school?

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He has been picked on by the same 3 boys for 2 years now. It started with just name calling. Today he came home and informed me that they had kicked him in his privates, held his arms and legs and punched him in the stomach, slapped his head and face and pushed him down. We are a Marine family and he attends a Department of Defense school. We have went to PMO to press charges.

We have went to the school several times for this bulling and nothing has happened. I really want the school to do something. He is scared to go to school. And he is only in second grade.




  1. Outrageous!  You go and bully the principal - she is responsible for the safety and welfare of your child.  I am on the phone quick smart to the school when my child is in the slightest bit perturbed.  Then I go and bully the kid.  If his mum comes to me, then I'll bully her as well.  I don't give a s*** what anybody says.  This is my child!  I didn't lovingly nurture, and spent countless bedside vigils by his sickbed to then allow him to be  tormented by these monsters!

    And for the love of God send him to self-defense classes!

    Good luck.  Sorry if I sound a little agitated but I cannot tolerate hearing about our darlings being tormented.

  2. Find out who theparents are, Call them & tell them nicely what`a happening, surely one of them can stop their child. My daughter had abully like this, I gave his mama some really bad looks, she caught on that, I may not be able to do anything to her son, but I just might whoop her but, yes, if that boys knocks her down again-I surely might!!! You got a problem, is there a pyscologist or  some type of liasion you can go to.Even te officers answer to someone.Talk to them humbly.

  3. Here is what you do.  Contact the parents, if it continues and the parents do nothing, then you Contact there NCO.  Once there boss is contacted it goes on the officers record and that will follow him in promotions and other stuff.

  4. My son is in the same predicament that yours is in.  I have went to his school several times to talk to the principal; she has done nothing.  I have also called the police department for advice...they informed me that if my son fights back, HE will be brought up on charges for assault!!! This is outrageous...back in the day, kids took care of problems by fighting back and now they cannot do that; if they do, they will be the ones who get expelled, not the bullies.  I have also went to his school at lunch time, told the bullies (brats) to get along with him, be his friend; I even said please, thank you and called him sweetheart.  This brat went home and told his mother that I THREATENED him...which in no way, shape or form did I do that.   This punk's mother called the school all hysterical and then the principal told me that I cannot do that. WTF else am I supposed to do?  No one so far has helped me!   I then asked her to set up a meeting with this punk's parents; they did not attend.  We are now looking to build a new house in a school district that has special needs classrooms, because my son is special needs, and that is part of the reason that he is being picked on; because he is 'different'.   You may want to push to have him moved to a different school.  We dealt with DOD schools before; they suck also when it comes to conflict resolution.

  5. have him bring a gun or a knife to school to teach those punks a lesson.

  6. enroll your son to other schools... goodness, their principal is dumb...

  7. Get him into Karate classes asap so that he can learn to defend him self..... Go to the boys and scare the ever living He** out of them if they pick on your son again.....

  8. Teach him to FIGHT BACK. Schools are notorious for not doing anything when a child is being bullied, he has to stand up for himself and not take it. If that doesnt work u might have to consider changing schools.

  9. If your son does not learn how to raise his fists in defense of himself now, then he will never learn. If you cannot do something about the bully's parents, then file complaints to the school. You must be persistent in this until action is taken. If this continues, then things may escalate and your son may be scarred for life. Both physically and emotionally. As his parent, you need to show him what he as a boy should be. Since you reside in Okinawa, take him to Jyu-jitsu classes. Karate and Judo are a fixed form martial arts. Jyu-jitsu is a more street fighting combat form. If that school does not tolerate fighting yet does nothing with bullying, then you must take the risk and have your son learn to defend himself lest he gets seriously hurt. My regards to your family.

  10. That is bad. Really BAD two years. He is in second grade it is still early in his life when the kids might forget all that nonsense. You need to be at his school everyday. In the morning  take him in to his class hang out with the teacher and ask if there is any help she needs or some one else in the school. Get to know the kids so they can get use to you being there.Keep going until everything calms down then just go once in while. I hope everything gets better.

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