
What can I do about my stress?Please Help!

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I think I need stress medicine. but when I confront my husband he talks negative toward me and makes me feel like a loser for trying to address my situation. He says I have nothing to feel stressed about. He thinks my life is so simple. He says he wishes all he had to worry about was stay at home with 2 kids, pay bills, and do whatever I wanted but it's not that simple. What should I do???




  1. Oh my lord...first of all, don't listen to him, he's part of the problem.  Second of all, there is no such thing as "stress medicine" unless you are referring to something like Valium which is not an everyday sort of drug.  You need to see a psychotherapist who can help you identify and deal with the issues that are causing you stress in a healthy productive manner.  Take care of yourself--you can't be a happy healthy mom until you are first a happy healthy woman.

  2. simple- Pray to God.

    Tell him you need peace & ask Him to guide you through your stress.

    but remember, God gave u mountains so u could learn how to climb- this might be making u stronger for something in the future.

    & everything happens for a reason.

    if you are stressed b/c of bills- God is just building up your foundation so it will be even stronger in Heaven.

    if ur having marriage problems-ask God to help u & ur husband to work through them together.

    or u could read the Bible.

    overcome your stress inspirationally.- Bible- pick out a certain few versus & memorize them & understand them.

    start a program with your husband & kids where ya'll as a family try to improve your relationship with Christ.

    God will help you through tough times......just pray to him. (:

  3. i know this might not be the best answer ever but try eating bananas. they always help me when i'm on my periods or when i'm stressed. they also give me energy and help me think. i don't know though it doesn't hurt to try.

  4. First of all, I'm sorry you feel this way. I totally know how you feel; it's not fun being stressed.

    One of the things you need to do is say to your husband, that it hurts that he says things like that. Frankly, that's insensitive. Not only to your feelings but to your mental health. If he can't understand that, then there is something wrong somewhere. Tell him what goes through your mind, how you become stressed and when he says stuff like that, tell him that it stresses you out even more (it probably does, right?)

    If you want to do that,that's fine, but if you are looking for techniques try some deep breathing. (Breathe in, 1.2.3, Breathe out, 1.2.3). Another one is to imagine that you have your stress in an invisible ball in your hand and to put all that stress in a ball and mold it and shape it (for as long as you want) and then toss it over your shoulder.

    If you feel that you can't cope, talk to your doctor. I know it sounds like a commercial, but really, they are there to help you. Take the medication, only if you can handle it (there might be some side effects. But more than not, you probably won't get none if you're healthy.) Remember, that meds don't solve everything.

    I hope you get better and stay safe. *HUGS*  

  5. Go to It is the best thing I ever did. We all have stressers in life. Good for you, you recognize that you have stress and want to address it.

    If worry is one of your problems divide it into two categories: things you can change and things that you cannot change. If you cannot change it, forget about it. If you can then take action. Taking control makes a person feel better.

  6. Apple has cortisol which is a direct stress reliever.  Plus it helps to chew and takes the stress out of the jaw. Having said that, it's time to go to the doctor without your husband's confirmation.  Just go.  What does he know unless he walks in your shoes.  He also forgets that you worry about him as well.  And the fact that he is married to you, but doesn't see your tremendous stress, is a worry in itself.  Sometimes men just don't understand.  They certainly don't understand the ritual of taking care of someone else's every need, such a changing a diaper on command, or changing the tv on command.

    Get a very low does of something easy like a Paxil that takes both anxiety and depression away.  

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