
What can I do about noise from concerts at a public park?

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I live in Los Angeles and live very close to a public park at which concerts are held (especially during the summer). Every day there is a VERY loud concert going on, even on weekends. Sometimes the concerts start at 10 am, sometimes they start at 7 pm. Sometimes they're not concerts but instead it sounds like preaching. Are there any laws about how loud the concerts can be within so many feet? I am within a mile of the park. I'd like to contact the city or something, as I'm guessing they are the ones who are organizing the events. The sound is so loud I can't even sleep (I work odd hours sometimes)! I don't mind that there are concerts there, I just wish they weren't so loud!! I live within a far enough distance that I don't think they should be so audible.




  1. You can talk to them.  Chances are 1 person won't matter.  you may have to start a petition in your neighborhood and surrounding areas about this.  If you can hear concerts from a mile away, it is WAY too loud.

  2. I know nothing of Los Angeles, but it would be a good idea to call your district alderman/representative about this matter. Of course, it might a bit difficult to reach him or her, but it might be worth the time...

    Ask your neighbors if they are having the same problem. More support from the neighborhoo will mean more action taken by the district alderman.

    Hope this helps and enjoy your evening =]

  3. I would talk to the organizer(s) of the event(s).

    Also, if the park has a committee or something to go with it, call the head honcho of it. Or at least a manager. Say that you live far enough away that it should be fine and you can't sleep.

    They should be reasonable and turn it down a bit.

    Good luck!

    EDIT: Like the person above me said, make a petition and bring it to the city/park organizers!

  4. Get people to sign a petition


    You could move.

  5. Where I live you can't have outdoor events after 11pm. But during the day you can make as much noise outside as you want.

    You can complain, but most places only regulate times of noise, not amount of noise, so if your work schedule deviates from the norm, then it's tough luck.

    Your best bet is to look into better noise insulation for your place, talk to your landlord, or get used to sleeping with earplugs in.

  6. Where I live, you can hear football games from 5 miles away. It definitely doesn't surprise me that you can hear a concert from less than 1 mile away. You could do what others have suggested and get a petition, but I seriously doubt it'll do any good. I hate to be brutally honest, but unless the park is brand spanking new and it wasn't there when you moved into your home, you should have known what you were getting into living that close to a place where such things are held.  

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