
What can I do about "night grinding"?

by Guest34169  |  earlier

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When I get stressed out, I tend to grind my teeth a lot, especially at night when I'm sleeping. I'll wake up with headaches, my jaw hurts, and eventually this will cause dental problems (if it hasn't already - I don't know). Unfortunately, I also have minor sensory integration issues - it would be really painful for me to wear any kind of device in my mouth (I don't know if that would be a suggestion, but that would be my first thought). Any suggestions?




  1. Get a retainer to where to bed. My aunt has the same problem and has been using a mounth piece. Works great!

  2. you may have an open bite which would cause all the force of the jaw to close on only the back few teeth.  you should see an orthodontist or an oral and maxillofacial surgeon if needed

  3. you have to get a mouth guard

    my whole family does it, i have a retainer and that works

    but my sis has to sleep with a mouth guard

    ask your dentist abouttt the details

  4. If *I* were you, i'd go to my local massage school and ask if they can recommend a good massage therapist to do TMJ work on your jaw. Temporal Mandibular Joint work to relieve some of the stress in your jaw and help you learn how to relax it again since you're grinding it so much during stressful times.

    I'd also get a full body ( professional of course ) massage along with it to help relieve you of the stress going on in your life so that you're not inclined to continue grinding your jaw after you "undo" some of the damage.

    Then I'd treat myself to a delicious smoothy.  

  5. they have these clear things you put over your teeth to prevent you from grinding them..

  6. a mouth peice or ask an orthodontist for this thingy that u slide in ur  mouth its used for chewing on for when u get braces so it wont hurt and also for ur mouth not grinding like in ur situtation.

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