
What can I do about school anxiety?

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For the past two weeks I have been nervous all the time. I am tense and can't really eat much of anything, so I am also very hungry. My parents have started to get a bit worried... Why am I so nervous? I had a really stressful spring semester last year, and now I am apprehensive about the rapidly approaching school year.

Basically, and advice about relaxation techniques and/or easy-to-eat foods (for a vegetarian) would be WONDERFUL! Any other advice would be helpful too, though. Thanks!





  1. not sure why you are so stressed but you could try bach rescue remedy it is sold world wide and a small spray on your tongue works wonders to calm any situation down and best of all not addictive babies can use this so it is safe, you can look it up on internet. good luck

  2. My daughter used to be like you - absolutely every start of new academic year and also after half-term breaks. There was no logical reason that I could think of and neither could she. She did well in grades & was popular.

    We found a solution - she pinned a lovebird brooch of mine (jewelry not allowed in school) onto her underskirt. This way she knew I was close to her & "with" her in thought. She also found difficulty eating cos of the stress - so consider doing purees of healthy foods that are easy to drink so that you are not going without necessary proteins/vits.

    We played card games together, drank tea, went to nice places to take things off her mind immediatly prior to starting the new academic year. It also affected her bowels, diarrhoea etc. There are simple meds you can take if that is a problem.

    Above all, try to remember that you are not alone in this. Any life change to anyone can be traumatic. Focus on your strengths not your weaknesses & try to find diversionary tactics to pass the time on until the new year starts. Good luck. UK

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