
What can I do about some awful neighbours I have?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks for the input so far everyone.

We do ignore them the majority of the times, but when it comes to a situation like this we do have to act upon it.

The laptop was actually under a 3m parasol so we knew it wasnt accidental!...

Even this morning as he left to start his "ambulance driving" job he side swiped our car!! sad really...

They are also good at making comments to the children as soon as Im out of earshot which is rather nasty.

we have lived here for 4.5 years and have worked hard to make it a family home and it feels like its now just a pointless waste of time having a garden.




  1. take it to court

  2. Well nobody is going to agree with me but what I would do is

    get a camera and take pics of what they are doing but don't let them knwo they are doing it

    and then once you have some good ones take them to court to get a restraing order and then they will have to move!!!!!!!

  3. Drag them into court and get a restraining order. Use a discreet webcam recording from a back bedroom window to video them.

  4. most councils have an arbitration unit who help settle neighbour hood disputes it it worth checking and if there are neighbours on the other side of them ask if they are experiencing the same problems this may add weight to your case   good luck hope things improve for you ps citizens advice service may be able to help

  5. I would contact the police if you are concerned that their behaviour is a causing a genuine danger to you or your family or if they are damaging your property, but it sounds like your neighbours are just idiots who enjoy annoying you, and unfortunately you seem to be you're giving them plenty of feedback so they know their tactics are effective.

    I really don't think there are many places in the world where it's illegal to look at a neighbour, not even if it involves standing on something to peer over a fence.

    I would suggest that the best approach would be to avoid at all costs giving them what they want: attention. When you go outside, simply ignore them. Don't do anything silly like talking about them as if they aren't there, just ignore them. If they speak to you, just ignore them and carry on with whatever you were doing. If they shout at you, just ignore them. If they call you names, just ignore them.

    I can imagine how this might be difficult to accomplish, but unless they are so totally cretinous that they could be amused by watching water evaporate, I suspect they will soon get bored with the "lets annoy the neighbours" game if they get nothing out of it other than hoarse voices and sore feet from standing on tippy toes.

    Problems with neighbours are always very difficult to resolve and a often a huge cause of tension, so I wish you good luck.

  6. I would get in touch with the council, and i would set up a video camera to catch them doing what you say as they will only deny it.

    If it was me I would give them worse back, but thats me

    some people can be real a*****s, I feel sorry for you and hope you get some peace soon.

  7. A base ball bat should do the trick but make shore you have a ball  

  8. I'm with AI M.  The only other suggestion I can offer up is to have an umbrella handy.  It will provide a physical barrier between the water and the laptop.  Hopefully the psychological barrier will render the umbrella unnecessary in the near future.

  9. kill em all

  10. Not meaning to make this a sue happy world, but you can  press harassment charges if you need to.

  11. what area do you live as this will determine who to access for help.

    It is is classed as anti social behaviour as they are affecting your quality of life. if they/you are with a housing association or council they will help you sort it. if you/they own your home then your local council will have a team that deals with this.

    british government have made this law - read up on the 'Respect agenda' which informs of what can/must be done.

    1)do not take pics etc as this may antagonise the situation. instead keep 'diary sheets' logging the date, time, nature of incident etc. this will provide evidence should the matter go to court.

    2) if they are renting they in breach of their tenancy and can be evicted for such behaviour.

    3) report all instances of criminal damage to the police (no matter how small) as they will then be able to provide an official log of events to back up any action

    4)ultimately they can be served with an 'injunction'

    i feel for you and there is no quick fix solution but with patience and perseverance you can resolve the matter.

  12. I feel very sorry for you and it is very difficult to live next to annoying neighbours. In your area is there a magistrate that you can speak to and maybe arrange a supervised meeting with your neighbours so you can understand why these people are behaving in this manner. Maybe they have some issues that they would like you to listen to.If this does not work I suggest you completely ignore them and make your yard as bullet proof as possible.Good Luck!!  

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