
What can I do about the fact that my gross female employee is requesting s*x from all her male co-workers?

by  |  earlier

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Hypothetically, say: 1) I manage a woman who is a s*x addict 2) she's asked all of the males on her team to have s*x with her 3) she's kind of a gross attention-mongering dork, so I know at least some of the males are not in to it. What should I do?




  1. ask her if she would settle for a Louis Armstrong

  2. It is sexual harassment and you would follow whatever your company mandates in those situations, which is usually a written warning and if she still continued, termination.

    If you fail to do anything, the men could file against your company for blatant sexual harrassment.

  3. Fire her.  Unless you'd prefer to take one for the team.

  4. Is she requesting s*x from them or is she offering herself to them?  Either way, it is SOLICITATION & it's illegal.  Call the Police & file a report.  The more employees who are willing to file on her, the faster she's gone from your lives.  Don't even bother with all that sexual harassment c**p.  It takes too long & drives up insuance rates when she sues the company.  Since SHE made it personal...then so should all the people she solicited for s*x.  PROSTITUTION IS ILLEGAL IN THE USA.  Let her know & she might resign before it gets ugly.  Offer her a letter of reference so she can get on with her life & let the next company figure out what to do with her bi-polar s*x addict w***e-like ways.  Women like this must be dealt with quickly & efficiently before they have all of you where she thinks she's gonna get you...OVER A BARREL!  What you refer to as "a gross attention-mongering dork", is a slick little piece of work who knows exactly what she's doing.  Have a criminal background check run on her & you might find enough ammo to get her to go away without having to make a scene or file charges on her lying butt.  There was a time when men did this same type of thing to us women.  She's a dangerous beast boys, a very dangerous beast...For God's sake, don't take her out for a meal or a drink unless you wanna see photos of the two of you at a later time in your lives.   She most likely has boxes of "evidence" to use if she needs it.  Careful with this little "bundle of joy"!  Good'll need it.

  5. Give her a written warning that she is sexually harassing her co-workers and it must stop immediately. Inform her if there is one more incident, she will be terminated. Sexual harassment is illegal and what she is doing is sexual harassment.

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