
What can I do about the ghost in my new apartment?

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After having lived in a new apartment for less than a week, I am convinced that there is a ghost. While I've lived in several places where entities or ghosts have resided or left behind energy, this one has actually physically "touched" me. Yesterday, I had one of the other tenants ask me if I'd encountered the ghost yet, without my ever having said anything to her about my own experience. I've had objects moved to other locations. My dog has been behaving bizarrely, as if there is someone else telling him to do certain things like sit in a specific spot. He also stares at blank walls, then backs down as if someone is reprimanding him. The biggest thing that has happened was this morning. I woke up and had a bright (very bright and defined) red hand print on my left shoulder. The fingerprints were clear, so that I could actually tell where the thumb was located. The specific position of the print would have made it impossible to be from my own hand. What do I do?




  1. well i must say that you could be in trouble, not to scare you but i've seen ghosts ever since i was 3 years old (im 17 now and used to it) but by the sound of it you're dealing with a polterguest (a noisy ghost) they like to move things and have been known to attack random people. most of the time though they can't be seen and only move things, whisper in your ear or occasionally scream. the thing is that i think you may also be seeing a normal ghost (unless it's black and has no features in which case it's a shadow ghost) getting the hose blessed is one way of getting rid of it but the polterguest is something different (it's not actually a ghost) you see we humans create them in our minds (im not saying your crazy) if we're under alot of stress our mind releases a negative pulse of energy and the being is created. to get rid of them you need a phychic investigator to come to the house and you need to calm down who ever is creating it. another possibility is that there is what i call a ghost creator in the appartment in which case the spirits arn't ghosts but physical beings (my brother is a ghost creator he came home one day with a painting he made and that night the painting was alive and the paper blank). anyway in most cases getting the place blessed works but not with polterguests. if it gets worse get out of the appartment ASAP!!!!

  2. I know you can have the place blessed, or cleanse it by buring sage. But that doesn't always work, it doesn't carry enough energy. It might subdue the spirit. But if you want to hear the ghost, if it wants to talk. Use a tape recordor and ask questios like, "Who are you? Why are you here?" And on play back you might get something. Another thing you could do is leave a carma running and recordor running when you leave and as you go out the door say, "I'm leaving now!" And when you come back, see what info was recordor. You can ask the mnager if any other tentants had problems with the apartment, anything that can't be explained by logic. But cleansing the place could be dangerous. I know this because I watch a haunting, if you believe your place is haunted, I recommend you watch it. It is on discovery channel at 12:00-2:00 centrel. I hope this info will helpp you.

  3. "ghosts"...if you have a basic understanding on why he/she may be there you have a better position on the subject.

    My parent's house is haunted by an old ghost named Edward. The house has been in our family for generations, but he was on the land prior to the building. If you're afraid of what's there...don't be. They need attention too. If the "ghost" is just hanging out there, no reason to be alarmed, they seek attention too. The more you let on that they're there...the more excited they'll become. If you truly want to get rid of the ghost. Light a while candle and tell the ghost that while the candle is lit, they can make as much noise as possible...after the candle has been blown out he or she needs to go to the light. Explain the they're dead and can be happy on the other side. Questions can be answered there. If not, do research...see if you can find out about the other worldly occupant.

  4. ring up the ghost busters.

    no really, i would be super creeped out if i were you.

  5. omg. that is super scary. get the priest to bless it or something and tell it to go away. or move out.

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