
What can I do about the huge pores on my nose?

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I am not exaggerating .. the pores on my nose are the size of holes and as soon as I clear them out they clog back up with blackheads, dirt and oil.

I have tried everything but masks and syliac acid just doesn't seem to work.




  1. More than likely they are normal size and you are just looking in the mirror too closely.  

  2. Get some PanOxyl

  3. foundation makes them un-noticable

    but if you dont want to use make-up, make an appointment with a dermatologist and take him/her advice

  4. Dermatologist is the only one who can answer that other than the zap you zit coach.

    My dermatologist gave me a book she got off the internet. She told me to do as the book said.

    So me and my girlfriends did it together and started school 8 days later w/great looking skin.

    Give it a look;


  5. I once asked my dermatologist about the large pores in my nose and she said that unfortunately there is not a lot one can do to reduce the size of those pores, but recently I began taking a second course of accutane and have noticed that my pores aren't quite as noticable since I've been taking it, and I've read another first hand account on a blog that taking accutane reduced the size of a girl's pores.

  6. I just made a post about this:

  7. Ok so if none of this stuff works try either proactive or Clearisal. If that doesn't work go to see your doctor and he  or she can proscribe a cheap medicine that can help.

  8. Go and see a dermatologist. They can give you sum ideas,  

  9. Have you tried pore strips?

  10. clean them rly rly well with like a hot wash cloth then you put an ice pack on it it shrinks them


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