
What can I do about this annoying idiot?

by  |  earlier

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I work nights in a parking garage, in Orlando, FL. I do Security.

Anyway, every night, at the same time, around 0200 and 0230, this *** hole driving a big truck around the down town area goes pulling out of a different parking lot and honks his horn at least Twice.

It sounds like a train horn.

The first Five times I heard it, I thought it was cool. But now this *** hole has been honking it every night for over a month and everyone hates it!

If he were parked in my garage, I would destroy the d**n horn, but I don't know where he parks or what he does every night down town. Probably sells drugs or something!

What can I do about this dude and his horn, legally!

The police are not doing anything about him.

If I were a cop, I would pull him over and write him up for everything I could and make him get rid of that horn. It is noise pollution and disturbing the peace. If the cops had a dog sniff the truck, they would probably find drugs or something.




  1. If you're allowed to, you should patrol the parking garage area.. It'll take some time but leave your post to patrol around 0145 so you can be prepared, once you see the truck, write down the license plate number and report it to police.  Then they should be able to do something.  But then again if PD aren't doing anything about it it's probably because he's not doing anything to harm your client's property or person(s)

  2. Wait for him next time. Be mature, and try to talk to him. Tell him what he's doing is extremely annoying, and you would appreciate it if he stopped.

    If he doesn't listen, tell him you'll call the police.

    If that doesn't work, sorry bud! You have a reall a$$ on your hands!

  3. Sorry annoying as it is to you you can not do anything about it. But find the car.........wink wink.

  4. Just because someone is out late at night...probably working as you are doesn't mean they are dealing drugs or have possession of them in their truck, just because they are annoying you.  Get the license plate number and report it to the police as a disturbance.  There is little else you can do, sorry.

  5. OK the horn is illegal if you call and complain enough times they will eventually get tired of hearing from you and do some thing about it or just call and talk to the supervisor they will help you

  6. get the license if you can, call the police, describe the car & tell them what he's doing.

    if they're not completely useless, they should be checking out the deal with that truck.  try to have them come by the parking garage at 200 or so to see if they can pull the ***hole over.

  7. Have you tried asking the police about the horn disturbing the peace?  Maybe if you had a list of complainants against the horn the police might take the matter more seriously than one person complaining.  You might look in the vehicle code book for your state, penal code book, or check with the DMV or highway patrol for your area.  Good luck!

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