
What can I do about this immense pain in my calves?

by Guest10653  |  earlier

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It's affecting my ability to move freely. It started a few hours ago.




  1. what do you think is causing it first off?

  2. Its hard to say, since you didn't give any other information about how and what may have caused this pain.

    I suspect that you may have shin splints, which hurt down the front of your legs.  If it is in the back of your calves, you may be having muscle cramping due to over use.

    You can take some motrin or aleve to reduce pain and swelling.  Apply ice to the front of your legs(shin splints) or heat to the backs(leg cramps)  Elevate your legs, rest them.  Drink a lot of water.

    If it's the back of your legs, a simple way to get rid of some leg cramps is to push the opposite direction of the pain against resistance, like someone's hand holding your legs down or if you are alone, putting your legs under something weighty and pushing up, against the weight.  That causes the muscles on the opposite side to relax.

    however, once that happens, you will still be sore from the cramping.

    Drink a lot of water to wash the lactic acid buildup out of your system- that's what causes a lot of the pain in the first place.

    If none of that helps,see a doc.

  3. Make sure  that you're properly hydrated because  dehydration which can be due to many factors including excessive alcohol consumption can raise havoc on muscles

    Take pain killers

    Gently massage the muscle or have somebody do it

    Sit flat on your butt and and loop something like a bathrobe tie or a big towel over the tops of your toes  and using both hands gently pull your toes back to you>repeat as needed.

    Good luck

  4. wow it must have been good

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