
What can I do about this knee problem?

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I went to the doctors a few week ago, about the end of july because I was having some knee problems, it was happening for a long time since jr high volleyball which was march & april til now and he said I have patellofemoral pain syndrome [its when i overuse my knee and its not strong enough for all that stuff at once and if it gets worse i could need surgery] and the only thing i can do about it is like ride my bike, well my bike is too small so i couldnt do that and i started high school volleyball this week and of course the last thing my doctor wanted me to do is run but thats all ive been doing. it hurt a little on monday cuz i had two knee braces but then on tuesday it was horrbile pain. im the slowest girl on the team and we had to run a suicide and i was the last one done it was sad but i had to limp it the whole way cuz of my knee and i told him about it this morning and he just gave me some knee thing but it didnt help at all. and now theres a sharp pain in my knee. idk what to do about this. should i tell him? cuz i stobed my thumb today and couldnt do anything but i dont want him thinking im faking this but it hurts so bad when i run/bend my knees which is basically volleyball how can i tell him?




  1. sacrificing volleyball is small compared the damage you can potentially do to your knee. get yourself fixed so that you can be stronger and ready for softball season.

  2. i am currently a junior i was told i had patellalfermoal and a few other things wrong with my right knee since 6th grade. i am very active so i know what you mean.  ive been put on 6 different knee braces and been to physical therapy i would suggest going to your doctor and seeing if he has braces or suggest therapy  therapy helped me for a couple of months. but i hit my breaking point during track season on tuesday i am getting my surgery to help it. but i would suggest telling your doctor because he will understand where your coming from and most doctors dont do surgery till tis a last resort.

    believe me its better to try and fix it earlier then wait and have to bee out for three seasons like me

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