In several answers and one question of my own I used what I thought was a legitimate quote from Karl Marx on the subject of the armed population. It sounded in line with other things I had read by him, it was quoted to me in an email from someone I (incorrectly) trusted, and it addressed a point I wanted to make. So I've used it.
Now I find from a very reliable source that the writing it was "quoted" from does NOT contain that passage.
The "quote" was -
"There are no circumstances imaginable, not even victory, under which the proletariat should give up its possession of arms."
Also, I should warn folks to be careful about "Don from Tulane in New Orleans" - he CAN'T be trusted.
Academic fraud is a terrible thing, and I do NOT want to contribute to it in any way.
How do I spread the word to anyone who may have seen this that it is NOT a real quote?
Can my credibility be repaired?