
What can I do for a living having a Music Major?

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I've been playing drums for almost 13 years. I have a great deal of passion from the drums. I haven't been to college yet due to the fact I'm still in the Army. I really want to make a living out of it them, but not the "rock star" one. I want something that I can depend on at least a steady pay check.




  1. You simply write a little manual for beginners, using a different approach to the others that have been published, stick it on a website, charge a reasonable download fee and offer to be online or available to email correspond with the flood of would be drummers you  have convinced that you have the magic answer/s to their drumming frustrations. For example.... how to read drum music with some live play attachments with you as the performer.  

    13 years? now that sounds like a lucky number doesn't it?

    I think you could make a small fortune........don't forget me when you do!

  2. Teach, compose, organize a group playing semi-classical and soft music to sooth the spirit at special events, Seek to push out the DJ's who insist on blasting at high volume. Now that popular 'music' has hit rock bottom, the only way is up. Be part of an inspiring new generation.

  3. I like the above answers.  In addition, I think it is important to diversify your talents, and don't count on any one area in music to make a living.  Truly, there are few overnight successes.  Most of us make it in music through hard work and devotion to our art.  Personally, I have a PhD in musicology (basically, a music history degree for a person who writes mostly theory and philosophy) and a MM in piano performance.  For a living, I perform 2 major performances a year--mostly overseas, because they pay better than the US--I teach private piano, I research and publish music articles and music criticism, I translate French, Italian, and German 19th-century music articles and essays into English for publication, and I edit music scores for new composers.  I make a good living, but as you can see, it's a lot of work.  If you have your heart in it, though, it's not really work at all.  If you love what you do, then you never really work a day in your life.

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