
What can I do for my Aircraft Project? Im at college & i have to do a project on anything to with aircraft.?

by Guest32008  |  earlier

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Any ideas on my aircraft project welcomed. So can you please tell me what can I do my project on. The project should involve lots of research, building something and presenting it on powerpoint.





  1. Well here is something.

    We all know that after Concorde, there is no other supersonic passenger jet in service. You can do work on that.

    To begin with - What are advantages and disadvantages of supersonic travel. What modern and futuristic technologies could be used to make a supersonic commercial aircraft?    

    This project will be multi disciplined involving engineering, science, economics and art!

    I would do it......I may actually do but these days being brown skinned and working on aircraft is inviting trouble! Hahahahaha

  2. How about visiting the Boeing and Airbus websites through these links

  3. what about the impact of aircraft on the environment - its topical at the moment. or the uses of mobiles etc onboard aircrafts or something about the British Airways flight that crashed at heathrow?

  4. first u shud visit some aviation sites just pick anyone like griffith aviation then scroll down the various and many links till you find some link that will take u 2 the likes of hobbies , projects tuition , get on their mailing list and u will find people involved in the aviation are extreemly helpful . maybe try your local airfield for a start you will be surprised and delighted . good luck and happy hunting.mike w.

  5. Hmmm, do a presentation on Americanized Proposal of a Su-27 Flanker. I think U.S. Navy needs bigger and badder fighters that was left out by retired F-14 and contrary to medium capabilities of SuperBug. Just to let your professors know that U.S. Navy is getting weaker nowadays.

  6. how about reserching the de havaland mosquito and its structure

  7. Do it on the vertical take off which is used on the harrier fighter jet.

  8. Do aircraft through time going from da vinci and then you can go into fantasy/ future like things from star wars, star trek and doctor who. Pleanty of thing you can make as visual aids

  9. The development and history of Concorde.

  10. The British "SPITFIRE"

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