
What can I do for my birthday when my friends ran away from me?

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My "friends" recently ran away from me at school and said they didn't want me hanging around so since then I've been spending lunches and breaks on my own. Now, I only have 2 good friends I know from my swim club. My 15th is coming up next month and I want to do something with them but I don't want them to know I don't have friends at school. What excuse can I make up?




  1. that really sucks!

    i know how it feels as it happened to me...but believe me the tables will turn,

    as it happens there the ones that will end up having no friends NOT YOU!

    besides the friends u make threw sports and the like....are the ones that LAST, ur friends out of choice and common ground,

    not like school where yer kinda stuck 2 each other!

    if ur not comfortable telling ur swim buddies ur situation i suggest that u.....

    tell them u already celebrated ur b-day with ur "friends"

    and u fancied havin fun with ur swimming buds, say it with a smile on ur face :)


    PHEW long answer hope u dont fall asleep!

  2. dont make anything up, play it cool.

    be like "hey im having a get together AGAIN for my bday.. wanna come?"

    step up your game child =)

  3. dont make up an excuse.

    theyll just b happy that u think there good enough friends to celebrate ur bday with u

    anyways if u make up an excuse they might find out later that u did n then u wont hav any friends at all

  4. If you have 2 good friends that's whole lot better than a dozen so-called-friends but any good friend deserves your honesty.

    Don't make any excuses. Your so-called-friends at school were a bunch of jerks and by mutual agreement they don't hang out with you and you don't hang out with them. (I bet similar things have happened to your friends at the swim club)

    I don't think you'll need to explain things any further than that. If anything you'll look strong, willing to cut loose the jerks you know at school instead of trying to kiss-up to them.

    Hope you have a great birthday celebration. Enjoy.

  5. just tell theme that you are throwing a bash believe me people your age love to party and if you need some great tips for your party go to hope you have one h**l of a party

  6. s***w your friends at school. u dont need anything big on ur b day. a day at the mall is nice and then swim or something. something u like to do. if they ask if they the only ones, then just tell them they couldnt make it, or tell them the truth that they just *****

  7. Tell them:

    A) They couldn't make it/busy


    B) You wanted it to be a thing for people outside of school.

    Hope this helps and good luck

  8. These "friends" are the ones with a problem NOT you so why should it matter if these swim friends find out?  They like YOU not how many friends you've got.

    Good luck and happy birthday x

  9. Just say your inviting your closest friends, which is the truth.

  10. well first off if they left you they were never your friends your better off

    but yea i mean you dont need to explain your self tell the truth

    your friends flaked out on you

    thats all they need to know

    just do what kids do on there 15th birthday

    i think i went to the movies but that was years ago

    is there a medival times near by ?

    thats what im doing this year and im 21 HAHAHA

  11. I wouldn't make up an excuse. Just say that you only wanted to hang out with your "closest friends" on your birthday and do something with them. Forget about your school "friends." They are obviously insecure.  

  12. I would just say that your other friends couldn't come because they were busy.And I think you should go to a pool for your party!

  13. well first of all don't pretend to them your something your not coz it will bite you on the bum.

    maybe that's why your last friends walked out on you.

    just be your self and smile a lot and people will be drawn to you

  14. just like do somethin cool like...swimmim or go to bowling alley and have a sleep over later on, just come up to them and say    hey, its my birthday and im havin a party and im invitin some friends ova if yous want to come too?

    hope it all works out babe, here add me on msn

  15. very special friends only?



    ice skating

    pizza hut/mc donalds/burger king

    theme park? flimingo land


  16. Say you had a different party with them . Say you had a party before where you had different groups of friends and they started fighting so you dont want that to happen again so you're having two parties.

    Good Luck  = ]

  17. There isn't much you could say unless you go to a water park or something and use the excuse that none of your other friends like water.

    And these girls sound like jerks anyway! It won't be long until they do the exact same to someone else in that group.

    Have a nice birthday..

    P.S. It was my 16th in June and my friends couldn't be bothered doing anything for my birthday and it wasn't nice at all.

  18. Arrange three tickets to a theatre production for you and your two good friends to attend. It would be quite something to invite your friends to something special like that at your age.

    Tell them that you could only get three tickets, and so you decided to take them, because they're you're best friends.

    Enjoy the show!

  19. somethin like that happend to me. i literally wasnt goin to do nothin but then my friend took me to da mall wit em and these 2 girls i know. just take em to a mall and say u wanted to spend your birthday with your two best friends and no one else :)

  20. Well, don't make up an excuse, if they end up not being happy that you dont have friends, then they aren't your friends. Have fun when you invite them, and just be you. Plus maybe when you go back to school, being you will attracted more friends. Just love yourself, because what you think of yourself is all that matters.

    P.S. I wish the best for you.

  21. all u hav 2 do is tell them ur other frends were busy. and go hang out w/ ur frends from swim club.  

  22. i cant really see them questioning why there is no one else there but u could just be cheesy and say u only wanted to go with ur best friends! Have a good birthday!

  23. Say that you decided to have 2 birthday nights out as you're school friends were unable to make this one.

    Perhaps you could say they have different tastes in what you should do so you decided to celebrate in style and have 2.

    Although, i'm sure if you told you're friends the truth they'd understand.. (if they are true friends).

    Good luck and have a great birthday!

  24. dear,i think you should'nt make up any excuse just tell them you would'nt need much people for your birthday and you would love to spend the bay with them.happy birthday.

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