
What can I do for my friend who is a pathological/compulsive liar?

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My friend consistently lies about things. She has made up "friends", she's also made up illnesses like fainting and heart problems. I dont know what to do. My friends and I have confronted her once before about her lies, and she said she would stop but apparently she hasn't. I dont know if I'm being paranoid again, but everytime she says something i tend to doubt even little things like phone calls to her family. Should I try to get some help for her or what should i do? I still want to be friends with her, but i dont know how much i can take of this. What can I do to make her stop?




  1. People can only change if the desire to change. If they are your true friend and you hurt from this action they will want to change. If they don't consider the alternative of a new friend. This is easier coming from someone on the outside looking in though. Good luck...

  2. why do you have a friend that is a pathological/compulsive liar? maybe you should be asking yourself that question. i had a friend once who was probably close to the same and he caused me nothing but trouble and still owes me lots of money to this day. but i no longer associate myself with him and in fact i'm grateful for the experience. it has taught me not to let people like that ruin my life.

  3. Nothing can make a liar stop lying except the liar themselves. Some people lie so much they can no longer find the line of separation between truth and lie. Choose your friends wisely and stay away from this one. If you must be friends with her then understand that for your own well being you will have to take what she says as truth and let it go, lest you be in a constant state of doubt and suspicion.

    Liars are liars...

  4. talk to her parents about this and be concerned. shes messing up and this can change people to hating her even though its not her fault maybe they can get her to doctor and find out why i had a son that still tells big stories but hes doing better hes nearly 40 now.

  5. I personally think its a real sickness.  I know someone like that, and she doesn't even realized when she is making stuff up!  Its gone way beyond lying, its almost like living in another world.  Talk to her parents, but odds are they already know.  Good luck  Keep your eyes open.

  6. She can only stop if she really wants to. She probably needs psychological help as well.  It seems as if being her friend is more hassle then good times.  If you cannot trust someone then there really is no basis for as friendship.  She could end up telling lies that get you in trouble. Beware.

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