I was carrying one of my gerbils(my untamed one) to the bathtub, to take a dust bath in, and I picked him up using a tube, and he slid out of the tube, I was holding him in, but he just blasted out like a cannon, and fell a height of like 4 feet.
Then his leg broke, and he starts limping around fast with his rear left hind leg, dragging behind him, but there was no blood, and no open wound at all, but there was this weird hump above his leg. I immediately picked him up, and started petting him, to calm him down, and he relaxed, I proceeded with removing the wheel, and climbing materials, he is looking okay, and he can get around fine, and his water bottle is low enough for him to drink from, and he is still eating normally.
I have read that it will be okay, if he rests good, and doesn't get stressed. A couple minutes later he started doing this flee like dog scratch with his broken leg, and my other gerbils started grooming him, now he's okay and he's just chilling out eating his dinner. I was wondering if he was going to be okay at home, because I don't know any vets that treat small animals.