
What can I do for my neighbors? The wife is 7 months pregnant and her mother just died?

by  |  earlier

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Her family is in the area for support, but I just want to help them in some way. They are such nice people.




  1. Talk to them they have family but it would feel great for them to know you care and maybe them something yummy i always love that

  2. Bring them something to eat like a pie or casserole, and a condolences card with your phone number in it.  Food is a good gift because people forget to eat when they're distraught.  Your phone number would be helpful for them to reach out to your for friendship.  You would bring relief to them knowing someone in the neighborhood cares and would listen if they need you.  

  3. That's so sad but you are a great neighbor, if only there were more neighbors like you. Go over and offer yourself to help if she needs anything, let her know you're there for her and her family. You can bring her dinner one night so that she doesn't need to worry about what she'll cook, You can offer to do her dishes or help her clean her yard or her house. You can get her something for the baby that she might need, diapers, baby blankets, anything like that nothing fancy just useful. Let her know if she needs company you'll come over when her husband is at work, or if she needs someone to tallk to. Do anything you can think of, big or small she''ll appreciate your help

  4. Well just being there for her is the best thing, maybe offer to clean her house or cook supper.

    If she has other children maybe offer to take the kids for the afternoon while she has some alone time.

  5. send some flowers... or maybe bring over some food...

    be with her, if she doesnt mind.

  6. Make a dish and carry it to them and then make sure she knows she can call on you to run errands, do house or yard work for her, or attend to anything else that she might not find time for in the next few weeks. You might want to check with her every day to make sure she has everything she needs for visiting family and that sort of thing. Just let her know she can call on you for whatever she needs.

  7. Take over some dinner. That would give her more time to visit with her family instead of worrying about making dinner.

  8. i would make them dinner and bring them movie  

  9. Aww omg im sooo sorry to hear that!! Has to be soo tragic, offer homemaid meals, write a card, and give flowers, even though that sound clichay it actually helps, and lets them feel a war, loving feeling in their heart. Also as time goes on DONT FORGET to help her out. Many people will help the first 3 months then just move on and don't realize their still very hurt untill atleast a year, so over time still help.

  10. Bring a meal the family can share, and offer to do yardwork or housework as a free service. Also, find out if maybe they need anything done for the baby...Nursery painted? Gifts sorted? Clothes put away in dressers? Those sorts of things she needs to get done but might not feel like doing would likely be a load off her shoulders.  

  11. Get a fruit basket or a veggie snack tray.  Food always helps heal the soul especially at a time like this and extra people may be around.  

  12. Offer to babysit when the child is born. Also offer any tips you can for raising a child.. don't totally over do it.. just offer them as polite suggestions.

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