
What can I do for my son's ninth birthday in Munich?

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We are new to the area and don't know anyone, but I want to make it a special day for him. How could we celebrate his birthday?




  1. There's the "Bavaria Film Park" or something like that. I've been there. It's pretty cool and kids love it!

  2. Ditto----No Question a nine year old boy will go nuts at the Deutsches Museum.....Cool, airplanes, submarines, boats, they have a nice little cafeteria there but you will have to keep tabs on him---It is gigantic and you will lose him in a heart beat as he races around...

  3. I know as a kid I enjoyed going to the "Deutsche Museum" (German Museum). It's a science museum with loads of buttons to press , so really interactive, if your son's into that kind of thing. Other than that, what the first answer said is quite right, the "Bavaria Filmstudios" (that's what it's called) are a joyride, and if it's actually on his birthday that you're going bring his passport and they will let you in for free (according to their website

    Depending how far you are willing to travel you could go to a outdoor theme park, but you'd really need a car to get there. (Geiselwind near Nürnberg, for example) or go to "Alpamare" in Bad Tölz for a day of splashing in the water.

    If you don't fancy any of the answers you get, try the tourist info, they might be helpful with information on what to do with kids.

  4. Your avatar picture looks so terribly sad.

    I do hope you will feel home there someday. I lived in Germany for sixteen years, and I felt sad and lonely as a child- and beyond-....for about ten years to be precise....but you guys seem to be Caucasians, so it shouldn't be as hard to settle down and blend in.

    My suggestion:  travel with your son via train along the "Rhein"'s absolutely marvelous.

    Way back they used to have a special deal for week-ends....maybe it's still ongoing.

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