
What can I do form my african spur-thigh tortoises chapped shell?

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I have an african spur-thigh tortoise and it shell seems to be chapped I have read that lotions and stuff like that are bad for his shell so I threw mine away. do any of you know if there is another way to take care of his shell with out cloging his pores? and if you dont know the anwer please dont reply




  1. don't be putting lotions on it, this happened with my spure- thighed tort. soak him. and rinse his shell this happens when the tortoise is a bit dehydrated.

  2. all you need to do honey is to give your tortoise a good soak in a shallow dish or bowl, fill the warm water up to just above his bottom shell it only has to be deep enough for your tortoise to get its whole head into, let your tortoise soak for about 30 Min's making sure the water stays warm, gently tip some water over the shell as well, do this every 3 days until the shell starts to look healthier, your tortoise is dehydrated so needs to have a good soaking, when the shell starts to look better then just bath once a week to keep the hydration levels up, you are right you don't use lotions and things on a tortoises shell all you need is warm water, a good diet and making sure your tortoise is hydrated will keep the shell healthy get a good calcium supplement or grate a cuttle bone over its food at least once a week and the shell should improve, best of luck honey

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