
What can I do if I am being held against my will in a foreign country?

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like seriously you guys I am not joking. I am at my dads place here and he won't let me leave. All i have is my laptop. I seriously need help on who to contact!




  1. Call the cops

  2. E-mail the police and cry when you yahoo call them. Crying always helps.

  3. If you're a minor and your father is a custiodal parent, not much you can do.

  4. Held?  If your father is your bona fide legal guardian, and is feeding, clothing, housing and having you educated, (besides allowing you to use the internet)  you are not emancipated - and you are not being "held against your will" in a foreign country.


  5. If you are at your Dad's, you are being parented. Your will means nothing until you are an adult. Deal with it.


  7. steel some money from your dad, and then sneek out. buy a plane ticket, and go somewhere else

  8. Have your Mom get in contact with the American Consulate in whatever Country you are in. Have her tell them that you are being held against your will that assuming that your Mother has custody of you.

  9. Email somebody back home, like your mom.

  10. And they let you on the Internet, hmmmmm

    Google an escape plan or contact a embassy

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