
What can I do if I have slow parents?

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I feel so bad,

college is so expensive and my parents still havent finished the fafsa. I know by the time I get aid it will be nill, but its better than nothing.

scary part is, my family's income tax isnt done yet and my college is doing a new payment plan. THe first payment is due July 15.

I feel bad because my mom pays my tuition and works so hard, last year she had to pay the entire thing because of this Fafsa nonsense.

What can I do to get my dad to hurry and finish the income tax so we can start working on the fafsa. I know it sounds silly, but me and my dad dont talk much and its hard being in a room with him. It just bugs me alot. And I hate to come off like Im nagging, but I wonder if the man is even doing the income tax! They just digitized the Fafsa so now we have to do it online and I dont have internet at my home, which makes it even harder ( we have the slow dial-up, which I wont trust....)

Any help please!!!!




  1. 1. Figure out how much college will be if you get no FAFSA assistance.

    2. Go to your dad.

    3. Present the number.

    4. Say: DAD! This is how much it is going to cost you in tuition if I do not get my FAFSA in. Do your income tax!!!!

    Though if it's due the 15th... it may be too late. My BF sent his FAFSA in in May, and we have still not heard back from them.

  2. There is not much you can do at home.  You should go to the Financial Aid office at your school and tell someone there about the problem.  You might be able to arrange a delay or, at least, get some advice that relates directly to your school.

  3. Dig in the closet and break out the Monopoly game.  Pull all the money out and plunk it down on the table next to his recliner/computer, whereever he spends his time...

    "Dad, this is all the money I'm going to get for college after you fill out your taxes!"  Every half hour - for the rest of the evening -  take a fist full of the monopoly money off his table and throw it out the window and say, "This is how much money you are loosing me by not doing your taxes"...

    Repeat if necessary the following evening.  This can also be done if you spend time with him in a vehicle... "This is how much money you cost me (you) by not doing your taxes".  Again, toss the Monopoly money out the car window for a dramatic effect!

    Simple, effective... Be sure you do it with a smile on your face .... the key here is "light hearted" and fun.  Try not to tick him off in the process... you will still need his tax info even if he's miffed at you so try not to get a ticket for littering.  LOL

    Seriously, don't feel too bad for your parents.  It's my experience that parents who delay and delay and then eventually just pay your tuition moan and groan about the cost of school but do actually have the cash and resources to pay.  (despite what they tell their teenage children).  

    When and if they do complete the fafsa, you will just be offered student loans in your name (which you will have to pay back).  It sounds like the better deal is your parents just paying it outright like they did last year.

    Good luck.

  4. There is an option, when filling out the fafsa, that say, "Will file" You can select this even if it's not filed with the government. However, you will still need the amount of their adjusted gross income and other financial information.

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