
What can I do if a boat motor company has charged me for additional work that I asked for?

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A few weeks ago, I took my small 4.5 hp boat motor for a "tune up" because I had not used that motor for a couple of years. I was told that the tune up price would be $49. Then, when I picked it up yesterday, I was told that they replaced a lots of parts, and the final bill for this tune up comes to $250!

They did not call call me earlier that there was addtional parts or service charge beyond the $49. In a few years ago, I had similar tune up with another company for $55 only.

At his point, I have refused to pay and pick my motor up, after I have a chance to see what I can do. Thanks to hear your views.




  1. It depends on which state you live in. Here in Washington a service provider can't do "additional" work without your approval, and the original work order has to be okay'd and signed by you before the work is done. Anything they do beyond that work order is at their own risk, not yours, and they can't refuse to return your property after you pay the original agreed-on invoice charges.

    Check your state code to find out the law where you are. Sorry, I know that's probably not much help. :(

    PS-It sounds like they did an engine rebuild; that's a far cry from a tune-up - in anybody's book! Good luck.

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