
What can I do if my boss is incompetent?

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I mean, my coworker already complained about him but she got fired for "creating disharmony." What should I do?




  1. Always make your boss look good, at the same time seek opportunities for visibility and a promotion.

  2. Why has this been posted to the military section?  What is the link to a military subject?

  3. Quit your job and go else where, or deal with the boss.  What are you doing to help your boss?  If management felt you were better qualified they would have hired you for the job.  Maybe by being more helpful they will see how much more qualified you are vs the boss you currently have.  Be a part of the solution, not the problem.  

  4. There is very little you can do.

    Handy Man said it best I think.

    Make sure you save all emails and more importantly follow up all conversations with an email just to be sure "you" understand the direction clearly. The most this will do is annoy your boss but you can't be fired , especially in this position by confirming conversations or staff meetings and school visions. This may also let your boss  aware that your not being intimidated and have taken notice and are protecting your career .. So if he or she needs someone to blame for their incompetence he should probably not look in your direction because you have a paper trail.

    Remember the bigger picture is the students...

    Keep up the good work !!!

  5. Are you a civilian? army does Not easily fire uniformed personnel. I you are a civilian there are procedures.If you are uniformed there are also procedures but I would try to use this problem he has to highlight my own skills, if you are help full to him/her it could benefit you

  6. engineer a situation which will display his incompetence in front of his superiors. I don't know what your job is so i can't help you with a better idea

  7. You can be sure that the senior managers will take his side rather than yours, whether you think that's fair or not, so beware.

    Just carry on with your work and make sure you cover yourself so that any of your boss's inadequacies don't reflect from you, else quit and find another job.

  8. You can find another job!

    Why did you post this in Military...If you are in the military you have to suck it up until you you are a civilian get a new job.

  9. Agree with Ronae's answer, I was reading this book called winning at office politics

    it basically advised us to maintain low profile and avoid confrontation, try to hold on while looking for other job or collecting enough money to get another degree(seeing that it probably is a win-lose situation, and you are not the win part) it does not mean that you agree with his conduct at work or his incompetency, but it seems that confrontation won't work.

    It sucks, but always have other things in life that can make you happy, just to reduce stress and anxiety. I would just hangout with friends after work or do other hobby as stress management.

    Hope it helps

  10. are you referring to the commander in chief?

  11. ask for a transfer

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