
What can I do if my dad humiliated me?

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I'm 18 and I arrived home after having played American Football. At home there were guests and my dad humiliated me, when I greeted them all, he said 'go and take a shower and please, wash your balls'. They burst out laughing and it humiliated me. Why did he say that? What would I do?.

Thanks & Greetings.

Johnny from






  1. Just ignore it.. hes your dad... just take it.. my mom says things like that to me too but she doesn't say to wash my balls cuz I dont have any.... I just laugh and thats it...

  2. That's wrong of your dad to say that.  You should explain to him how it hurt your feelings, and ask him not to say anything like that again.  I guess if it were to happen again, you could say something like "Okay, I'll go take a shower no problem, but you should really think about taking a shower yourself because you've got some funk going on."  Think of a good come-back just in case it happens again.  And save your money so you can move out soon.

  3. Your a bit sensitive ain t you?

  4. You are kidding?  You are being way to sensitive and need to go put your skirt back on.

    If it repeats, ask your dad not to say things like that in front of company.

  5. Humilate him back! then he'll know how it feels!

    I hate when family members do sh*t like that. >_<

    Or you could try to .... to him about it? But that might embarrass you more.

  6. Think of it as your motivation to move out of the house and on your own at your earliest opportunity.

    You should check out the play "Corner of the Garden."  The mother is like that non-stop, and she never shuts up.

    Your dad sounds like he's crude and insensitive and maybe jealous.  That's the way it is with some people, and they rarely change.  Or he was embarrassed about feeling especially emotional and proud of you and your accomplishments and didn't want anyone to see that side of him, so he blurted out something crude and "manly" to cover up his true feelings.  Try to see it that way.

  7. i wouldnt take it to heart, just brush it off, your 18, your a man, if it gets worse just talk to him, have a serious converstation and say your not happy with the way hes treating you infront of people and how it makes you feel then maybe he'll stop! good luck

    or maybe you could actuallyjust go wash your balls ?

  8. I can see how you feel cos if he said it to you when there was no one around then it may have been funny but the fact that he's done it in front of lots of people its embarrassing. You really need to talk to him about it and if he's not the 'talking' type then just try and be a man about it and say 'you really f**ked me off when you done that earlier dad' he might understand if you're a bit more abrupt with him. Then take the mick outta him and see how he likes it

  9. ease up mate....he's just having a laugh

  10. Hate to state the obvious, but you really need to have a heart to heart with  dear old Dad and let him know how you feel about him getting laughs at your expense. He may be just having some fun and doesn't realize that you feel embarrassed by what he says so its important that you talk to him and let him know that you are not amused. If he jokes it off and doesn't stop, maybe you can appeal to your mom to intervene on your behalf. Moms have ways of being a little more convincing, although I can't imagine that your dad would continue with these comments if he knows that you are not comfortable with it. If he does, you are just going to have to learn to ignore him when he's amusing his friends at your expense. Chances are, when they see that you aren't finding it funny or humorous, it won't be so funny to them anymore either.

  11. Sounds like your dad might be the macho type. So you can either shake it off and ignore it, mention that it wasn't the appropriate time in an equally macho way so he doesn't try to rag on you for talking about it, or you could get even. I wouldn't suggest the last one because if you hit the wrong cord and really p**s him off there's no telling where that could lead. I'd just shurgg this one off and if a similar situation arises leave the room and go do what you got to do then go back, moon him and his friends and while doing so ask if you missed a spot.

  12. You should tell your dad that he embarrassed you and if that doesn't work, just move on and laugh with everyone will blow over eventually


  13. Learn to retort with good humour -

    If he tries that line again, how about "I may be some time, there's a lot to scrub".... just a thought.

  14. If I was a guy or my dad had said that to me, I would have a chat with him later and let him know how this made you feel. Parents shouldn't  make remarks to them like this unless it is a dad and son conversation. and NEVER in front of relatives or visitors.

  15. Take your shower and if he says anything else ask him if he'd like to smell check them for you.

  16. Yeah he is out order, its not the same if it were just your family sat at the table but guests as well? He's just trying to make himself look funny but at your expense. His friends probably thought he was an *** anyways.  

  17. you need to learn to not get embarrassed. You could have responded with some humorous retort that would just make it seem like a big joke.  You could have replied that you left them on the field, they have managers who handle the equipment and they will be clean next time you go to play.

      We can not control other peoples actions, we can only control ourselves. You can mention to your dad that it was embarrassing and that you don't want him to make comments like that again but chances are good, it is just part of his personality. I am sure this is not the first time he has been embarrassing to you and most likely won't be the last.

      I learned early to roll with the punches and be able to joke in return. Also, I have learned to do "verbal slams" when needed. People try to humiliate me all the time because I am on the heavy side, you just have to learn to be able to let it slide off and be just as verbally witty as they are.

  18. perhaps he meant wash your footballs rather than anything else..perhaps he was having a joke

  19. Tell him that you're not going to wash your balls just to spite him, then just strip naked, open a can of beer and sit down.


  20. Your dad sounds like a funny guy.  I don't think he meant to embarrass you.  Still, if it bothered you, take him aside and talk to him like a man.  Don't yell or get angry.  Simply tell him that while he probably meant it as a joke, he really humiliated you.  Ask him not to make such jokes at your expense again.  With any luck, he'll listen and respect your feelings.  Good luck.

  21. You are not over-reacting,He has obviously embaresed you and tried to look good in front of friends at your expence and to do that to his own son I think is disgusting.Is he the kind of parent you can approach ? If so tell him how his behaviour made you feel and if he does do it again make sure you have an equally embaressing comment to reply with and give him a taste of his own medician,He sound's like a complete **** actually.....Good luck mate.x

    Bab's ,North Wales.

  22. He was just trying to be a jokester.

    Next time say "Yeah, i know you make that mistake pretty often."

    It'll make them all laugh.

    He wasn't being serious eithier.

  23. lol!  its called a sense of humour  

  24. Welcome to the real world.

    Dad's are like that, and you are supposed to be a grown up at 18.

    There's a lot more of that coming from people throughout your life. Just laugh with them.

  25. It sounds like your dad may have had too much to drink. And whose dad hasn't embarrassed them? If it is really upsetting you, just talk to your dad and tell him. He will probably apologize and hopefully won't do it again. If it does happen again, say something to embarrass him, like something about him being on viagra or something...I don't insult men that much so i'm coming up a little blank...

  26. He was just showing off at your expense. I would go to him and tell him you didn't appreciate it and ask him not to do it again.

  27. put some panty liners in his car (i know its lame) emm...if u wnt to humilate him in front of ppl then make a real bad joke bouthim that will really make him feel embarrased

  28. just be like, hey dad... your going to die first and your going bald, i bet that sucks...

    add the word *** at the end of each jab.  

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