
What can I do if my daughters want to be blonde?

by Guest33766  |  earlier

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I brought my two daughters Maria (6) and Laura (4) to the doctor, and brought a camara to keep them entertain. Two little blonde girls came in and ever since, they want to be blonde. How can I explain to them to like the way they are?

I was even able to catch a picture of the moment they came in!




  1. Children go through phases.  For the time being, you can always visit the costume store, and let them pick out blonde wigs to play dress-up in.  After a while, they'll get tossed the way of other old toys, and forgotten about.

  2. My suggestion would be to either to just tell them they are special and leave it at that or go to a store and buy the temp dyes like they have at Halloween.  They last until you wash them out, they are safe, and your girls might enjoy being blonde for the day.

  3. I want to be a super model?? lol okay maybe its not the same thing.  At their ages it's not a superficial worry, prob just a "that looks cool" I want that color hair.  It's prob a stage.  I've seen kids decide they want purple hair and other things.  I like the above idea of temp dye just to get it out of their system.  Tell them that being brown haired is special too... see if you have a friend with blonde hair tell them she wants to be a brown head...

    They're too young to know the "stereotype" or anything just want a change, same as saying I want curly or straight hair.

  4. Your daughters are adorable!

    I think they'll forget about being blond as soon as they decide to be something else (a princess, ballerina, etc) but you should tell them that brown hair is very special - and show them pictures of people they should admire who have brown hair.

    P.S - I realized suddenly that ALL of my daughter's dolls are blond! Buy brown haired dolls for your girls if they don't already have some.

  5. Who is the adult here you or the kids.  You just tell them no and that is the way it is.  This isn't something that you need to give a reason for.

  6. aww that will be cute

  7. My oldest daughter has brown hair....

    To satisfy her want to have bleached blonde hair like her aunt we let her get some foils done in her hair.

    It gave her some blonde in her hair, allowed her to try something different.... be tasteful in her change and we didn't actually have to dye her hair.

    I wouldn't have let my daughter dye her hair as she was only 8 at the time as well. She is 9 now.

    The foils gave her a natural look... like the sun had brightened up her hair.

  8. That's funny my girls are blonde and want to dye their hair black LOL They are 7 and 9. I just tell them every hair color, skin color is beautiful. And that they have to be 16 or 17 to dye their hair, period. You could always get them wigs to play with at home only. Hannah Montana makes a wig for about $12.00. My youngest has one she loves her, but she can only wear it at home.

    Bottom line just start trying to get them to love themselves for who they are, it is hard I have worked with my girls a lot on this. My oldest daughters best friend looks like a toothpick literally. My daughter has started into puberty and has a very curvy figure, she hates it. I took her on line and showed her a lot of women actress' who have a curvy figure, at the same time I stress that it is truly the inside that counts. They go in spurts with the hair color thing. My youngest loves to dress up as different characters from Hannah Montana to Spiderman she loves them all, maybe the wig will pacify them for now. But work on accepting themselves at the same time. I have told my daughter before to name 3 things she likes about herself and we talk about all of it.

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