
What can I do if my undergraduate GPA is too low to get into Grad School?

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Do I have to go through another undergrad program to get it back up? Can I just take some upper level classes through a Community College? I'm not sure where to go from here. Any help would be very much appreciated! :)




  1. The credits are always saved the ones you have earned.If you choose the same career its up to you gl.

  2. To what eri said. . . which is a good answer. . . I'd just like to add that sometimes what can also help you is if you start helping out with research in your field as an undergrad research assistant.  Sometimes these are paid, hourly positions, and sometimes they're for credit -- either would be something to look into.  (I currently deal to varying extents with 4-6 hourly students doing straightforward odds and ends related to my research, and we love having them around.)  Not all fields do this, but several might have that sort of thing available if you ask around in the office or among professors you know.

    The thought there is that you can then prove you're smart and independently motivated, and it might at least increase your chances of getting in at your current school (or at least getting a good recommendation if you want to try somewhere else) since they'll know you beyond just that maybe you're not good at classes.  Some people suck at classes for the same reasons they'll do really well in the non-class part of grad school.

  3. You don't want to waste 4 years doing another bachelors degree, and the grad schools will ask for all your transcripts anyway.  Community colleges do not offer upper level courses - usually nothing beyond sophomore year of a 4-year bachelors degree.  

    What you can do is a take a few graduate-level courses as a non-degree student.  Most schools will let you do this - you pay by the credit, and don't have to be accepted to the program to do this (they won't be giving you a degree, you're just taking courses).  If you do well in these classes (shoot for an A, anything below a B is considered 'failing' in grad school), you can use the grades as leverage to apply to a grad program next year.  I've seen a few people with low GPAs get in like this.  Don't shoot for the top programs; try a state school.

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