
What can I do in Junior High school and High school to get into Westpoint?

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I am just entering Junior High and i want to go to Westpoint.

What can I do in my following schools to go into Westpoint?




  1. There are several things you can do:

    1.  Keep your grades above a 3.5 (preferably above a 3.7 or 3.8)

    2.  Involvement in after school activities (sports, student government, etc)

    3.  Community involvement

    4.  Obtaining Eagle Scout wouldn't hurt either

    Keep in mind you have to have a sponsor (Senator or Congressman) who also signs off on you.

  2. Your permanent record begins your 9th grade year.  I would make A's and do as much community service/outreach programs as possible.  Even if you have to answer phones for a suicide help line, it is worth the credit and experience that you'll receive.  You will also need to get sponsorship from a state elected official.  It would do you some good to find out who your district state rep is, or your state senator.  Write them letters now, letting them know your intentions.  They like ambitious, determined young men and women.  Hope that helps.  

    T Chamberlain

    Navy '97

  3. Westpoint is like the hardest school to get into but it's good you already know what you want to do.

    Honestly junior high doesn't matter at all and only affects what classes you get into. So at least do decent so you can get into honors and AP classes.

    High school is the main point. Straight A's is a must imo. More APs the better and get a 5 on those. Good SAT 1 score like 2300+. SAT2 750+?

    Have tons of extra curriculers. Sports and sliubs. Make sure you get to president and captain positions.

    That's all I got. Others might know a bit more. But when you get into high school talk to your counselor.

  4. -Maintain a good GPA

    -Score well on tests like the SAT and ACT

    -Get involved with programs like JROTC if the high school has it

    -Participate it various clubs

    -Demonstarte leadership abilities, such as student government

    -Try to get the help of a congressman, etc.

    -Programs that stress good values, such as BSA are nice

    -A sport is always a plus because it shows leadership and academic prowess

    -Community service

    -Take academically challenging classes and programs like IB are huge plusses if you're high school offers it (however, don't sacrafice a good GPA for this reason)

    -Be involved with the military and show you support it

    -If you do something like a sport, etc. stick with it if you can to present your commitment

    -Get a job, preferably something "official". (My city hires at 15 and a half. I've had my job since that age and now I can say I work for the municpal government; look into those kinds of positions)

    -Get positive recommendations from "quality" references (i.e. a retired Army officer, congressman, etc. Letters from say, your teachers, are nice, but aren't very "unique)

    -Try, try, try and if you really want to be an Army officer, look into programs such as ROTC in college, just in case you don't get accpeted to Westpoint.

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