
What can I do in my spare time?

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I posted many questions almost the same on spare time and now I was wondering if you could give me the best answers EVER! I am homeschooled and I saw the comments that people left on my other questions, thanks those were great but most of them say, "Go to Public School." or "Do something for the comunity." I am not saying those are not good. It is just I understand and already did all of that. I have been homeschooled all through 6th grade, I am in 6th grade now. But, it was such a big change when I went to school, and I am doing 4 grades higher then the regular grade materials I am in so I came back to homeschooling again. Please put your heart into and write down alot ALOT of answers. I foster alot of animals and have alot of animals, I play 6 instruments, and play on the computer alot. Please write down more. This is very important to me. Because I also do not have many friends to come over, so I want to keep myself occupied.


Madison = D




  1. Get your parents to join the SCA (

    We're into that, and we've been learning to dressmake, make chainmail, archery, rapier, fingerloop braiding, knitting, tabletweaving, dye with natural dyes, felt, medieval cooking, embroidery, medieval dancing, to tell one fabric from another and research all of this stuff so we can do it accurately! Join your local group and you'll find people who can show you more craft things than you will be able to find the time to do! Plus, historical recreation is very educational. Doing medieval stuff is much more fun than just reading about it. Though reading about it is fun too :)

    Have a dig through the site I mentioned, you'll find heaps and heaps of ideas of stuff to do. We're never bored at our place.

  2. Read books, do crafts, talk to your parents, exercise, I mean...your going to have to find your own interests and go with them...

  3. Write a novel (have you seen ?) or stories

    Write poetry

    Take up calligraphy

    Compose music--with accompaniment

    Record music

    Write lyrics for your music

    Exercise--you might take up a specific type of exercise (martial arts, yoga, swimming--even joining a team of some sort)

    Learn to knit, crochet, cross-stitch, sew by hand and by machine, do beadwork using looms, etc.

    Learn a new language


    Logic problems

    Crossword problems

    Learn different computer programming languages

    Build your own website from scratch (as in, do the programming yourself instead of using something like FrontPage)

    Science experiments and projects dealing with botany, chemistry, astronomy, zoology, physics, etc.

    Prayer or meditation

    Paint (watercolour, acrylic, oil), draw, use pastels, learn different techniques

    Learn how to maintain all kinds of different machines, like taking a bike apart, replacing whatever needs to be replaced, oiling whatever needs to be replaced and putting it back together

    Go for walks

    Build a treehouse or other fort

    Read/learn about anything and everything that interests you

    Get some great book lists (like YRCA and Newbery winners) and read as many of the books as you can, even writing up critiques and trying to get them published somewhere

    Ask your mom/dad to get you connected with homeschoolers in your area for potential clubs, classes, field trips, etc.

  4. Dang...six instruments? It doesn't seem like you'd be bored with so many animals and all that.

    You can play video games. And you can make a myspace to socialize if you don't do so enough already. TV? Read?

    There's much you can do.

  5. -You could join a music club or see if you can get into FFA (Future Farmers of America), even if you aren't in public school. It's worth a shot!

    -Go out for sports or horseback riding

    -Go to a summer camp in summer

    -Join a debate club, if you can

  6. try thinking for yourself. What does it profit you to fill your life with meaningless tasks that a bunch of strangers list for you on a forrm?

    Even if you able to come up with one idea yourself, and something tells me you are more than capable of completing this task yourself, it will be much more satisfying.

    And that was straight from my heart.

    One last thing, don't post the same question over and over and over. Not only is it annoying, it is against community guidelines and you could get in to trouble.

  7. Wow Madison,

    You certainly have a full life - six instruments, fostering animals...

    I think I have the best EVER answer for you - you need Brain and Motivation for this ... and I can see you have that already!

    I've got an idea here which is GREAT for  you and for any home schooler who is looking to make their learning meaningful and keeping it real. This is what I'm passing on to my own home schooled Kids!

    Would you like to share your talents - share how to play your instruments - tips you'd give beginner musicians or examples of good pieces to play...???

    How about explaining how you foster animals - how to look after sick animals - what to do, what not to do, how to go about helping animals - organizations to join and so on..???

    Well..... Write a website!

    Do it for your own enjoyment, do it to explain what you know.. do it because you'd like to help someone else with their spare time... or do it to make a profitable business.

    You can make a website or make a profitable web business and you can fill your time in a meaningful and useful way.

    Why not write about what you love (one of your interests) and make a business out of it?  My sons are thinking along these lines right now!

    Do you need to know how to write HTML?  No

    Do you need to know how other people will find your website? No!

    Do you need to know about domain registration?  No

    Do you need to know how to make forms or submit to directories? No!

    But How? and what do you need?

    Well, the reason that this is the perfect thing for you to do, is that you already have what it needs!  You need BAM!

    You need Brain and Motivation!!!

    You have the brain (that's easy to see already) and you have the motivation also. (I mean you must be self motivated to do all the things you are doing!!).... so if you're interested in building a website OR  a real, thriving, profitable business... take up the idea of using your spare time in making a profitable web business.

    You already have the Interests....

    and Site Build It! gives you the information on how this realistically can be done.... by you!

    Because of your so many interests, I'd love to know which interest you would follow if you do decide to build a website.

  8. do soemthing beneficial or you could talk to me!

  9. Participate in a program like People To People International Student Ambassadors or Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth- an advanced educational program for kids that are brighter than the norm.

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