My child ran down the isle at a store and was met by a store employee who started yelling at him while pointing his finger in his face.
I watched him yell at my child and tried to calm the employee down. I apologized that he was running and advised that I would take care of it but, I felt that he could've handled it differently. He then said we can handle this. I will call 911.
I said ok. I will wait for the police. I am sure that they will be happy to hear that you called them because you mistreated a child and the mother told you that you handled the situation badly.
I am going to review the store tape, with the manager and I wanted to know if I could press charges against this individual for verbally assaulting my child.
He did not threaten to hurt him but by putting his finger in his face, while yelling, it was very scary and certainly felt threatening to a six year old.
Also, do I have the right to request a copy of the tape?