
What can I do living in Massachusetts to help the midwest flood victims?

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Does any one have any suggestions regarding relief efforts and charities for people dealing with the midwest floods. These people must need some help regarding water, food, clothing, medical care. I'd like to help. Just in case any one is reading this on Yahoo Answers living in the midwest flood zone------my thoughts and prayers are with you. I am so sorry for your troubles and you are thought of everyday!!!!!




  1. My home has been flooded since June 10th and the only organization which has helped me was the Lion's Club.  They gave me $50 each for myself and my daughter to spend at WalMart for clothing, food, bedding, personal hygiene and medication.  Please donate what you can to your local Lion's Club for me.

    The Red Cross set up a shelter on June 11th, but when no one showed up they left. As of June 16th they haven't done a thing. After many telephone calls to them I just gave up.  They will never get another dime from me.

    BTW, my governor STILL hasn't had us declared a federal emergency so we can apply for FEMA benefits.  He is still "assessing the damage".  I emailed him to swim to my house to see if it was damaged enough, I got a MISSPELLED" form letter saying they are working on the problem.  Nice huh!?!

  2. Hello neighbor, as Bill O'Reilly said, the Red Cross is running low on funds, donate cash, or call your local Red Cross Chapter and ask them. Maybe a clothes drive, they need everything and anything.

  3. Thanks for caring about us! I live in a Wisconsin county that was right next door to some of the counties that got utterly destroyed. Interestingly, it seems the states with Democratic governors are not getting federal aid as quickly as they need it, while states that weren't hit nearly as hard but have Republican governors (e.g., Indiana) already have tons of federal money flowing in.

    Anyway, Mrs. Jack is right: the main source of relief right now is the Red Cross, and it was extremely low on funds. Only today did it get a few hundred thousand dollars from someone---can't remember if it was through a private individual or not. I think if you go to their website, you can donate and allocate money to go specifically to Midwest flood relief efforts. To donate clothes and things, probably calling your local Red Cross is best.

    Again, thanks so much! Many of my friends will appreciate it!

    Take good care,


  4. Donate to the American Red Cross Disaster relief fund

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