
What can I do or use to stop raccoons from pooping on my deck on stairs?

by Guest67084  |  earlier

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There are woods behind us

I'm not even sure its a raccoon




  1. A 12 gauge pump works nice.

  2. Don't leave dog food or other scraps on the deck. The coons won't have a reason to come on the deck if there isn't food for them.

  3. there are products you can purchase at most home centers to keep the critters and rabbit scat is just one,but they can get a bit expensive,you can try moth balls or strips of cloth soaked in ammonia. but the store bought stuff works better

  4. I agree with JimD about repellents.  I like Bonide Repels All.  It works great and it chases a number of nuisance animals including racoons.

    I disagree with him about moth balls and ammonia.  Moth balls (paradichlorobenzene) are not environmentally friendly products, especially if you have a dog.  Ammonia is so toxic that it receives the hightest toxicity rating (Danger/Poison) from the EPA.  It does not belong anywhere but in a bucket for cleaning windows.  

    Stick with the right product for the problem.  

    And a 12 gauge...noisy and messy!

    Bug Doc

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