
What can I do regularly to get a 6-pack

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What can I do regularly to get a six pack,

im not in a rush so im just looking for something to do regularly





  1. bicycle crunches are the absolute best way to get defined abs. it's proven.

    it's really hard to describe... watch this video:

  2. anything that works your ab muscles.

    planks. crunches. sit ups.

  3. do 100 sit ups a day. you will FEEL the results in a week. but it can take months to a year to get a six pack. it would be better if you did other excersises also, try joining a gym. thats what i did and im really happy i did :)

  4. Tell the local homeless guy you'll give him one if he buys it for you, and he'll buy them anytime you want.

  5. The liquor store that's a good one LOL

    Ok a 6-Pack in abs is actually mostly genetic, you may not get one or you might, just train your body

    that is all the advice i will offer

  6. jus do regular crunches

  7. go to a liquor store.

  8. Go to your local convenience store and buy one.

  9. Get a job, and buy  a six pack of Coors Light.

  10. curl- ups and jogging. thats how i got mine ; )

  11. alot of sit ups everyday. its not a quick process but a sure one.

  12. Every night before I go to bed I do 50 crunches, 20 pushups, 50 crunches, and 20 pushups. It has been slow steady progress but after doing that for a year along with playing sports, I've gotten a pretty good six pack.

  13. here in baltimore ,you just go down to the local store and buy some bud ice..they come in quarts too...haha!

  14. You can get one at any liquor store.

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