
What can I do so that I don't hate my body???

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I can't stand how I look.

I'm 13 years old 5'5 and I weigh 120 lbs. The problem is, I look somewhat un-proportioned.

My bust size is 32 B, but compared to all of the other girls in my grade, my b***s look huge.

My waist size is 27-28, but my chest looks much bigger than my waist and hips(though they are both big) and it looks weird. I look wide in front but when I turn to the side it's really thin.

I am willing to try to lose weight and get slimmer, but it's kind of hard considering my parents are very observent and strict. They don't think I look large, but doesn't it count what I think about myself.

The good thing is, it is possible for me to exercise from 12-3 because my mother is on midnights and my father is at work during that time. But when school starts up it will be more difficult.

Any help?




  1. Take up jogging as a means to stay healthy and fit. Explain to your parents that you are jogging to stay active.

    Avoid fad diets and don't worry about what other girls look like now. You have years more worth of growing to do and if you are physically maturing faster than other girls then that just how it is.

  2. always exercise and eat right no matter what. Once you grow taller and everything you won't look so out of porportion. I'm 13 5'6 and weigh 124 pounds and my hips are humungous!! like you wouldn't believe. All teenagers are slef-concious about something. A lot of people in my gradee have that boob size and I wish I did so don't be ungrateful.  

  3. Dont put yourself down about your weight. Looks dont count. Personality does. Every teenager goes through that stage when they feel self-concious about their weight, and think they look weird. Honestly, I recently went through that stage. But, you just have to learn to accept yourself the way you are. Give it some time, and you'll be looking more mature, develped and fit. youre still young. But, if loosing weight and trying to look better is that important to you, I can give you a few suggestions. Monitor what you eat. Try to excersise whenever is poosible. Etc. Good Luck =)

  4. Make up your mind that its the only body you have got. Know that God says that your body is "Fearfully and wonderfully created" that you are "created in the image of God" You cant argue with the creator, if he says you are the "bomb" then you are the bomb.Look at yourself and others by his standards. You will always be discontent when you compare yourself to others, so dont do it. Yes exercise, my body is the same way, my breast are way bigger than the rest of my body, by the time I was 16 I was a 34D, a D mind you , 24 waist and 35 hips and I didnt even make it to 5'1", so Ive been there. And I did not look skinny sideways. my breast always made me look fat.Heres what you can do buy Bali bras, buy some "Sea Silver" from, a "Sturdee" health food store, or go online.(this has vitamins and all kinds of good stuff for the body as well as it will help you to lose weight. It is not a weight loss product, it is a health product. I just want to warn you to steel yourself of the stupid things people ,especially boys and men and stupid teachers will say, just dont take it to heart. Practice answers.For this I was totally unprepared. Your mom should have no problem getting the "Sea Silver for you cause it healthy stuff.As for the exercises do extra of the stomach and hip exercises, do the exercises they taught us in gym or dance class. Good luck.

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