
What can I do stop stop my leg from scarring after a bad burn from 4 nights ago

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I burnt the calf of my leg pretty bad on a fire pit a few nights ago,I'd hate for it to badly scar,what can I do to help prevent that from happening?...x*x




  1. honey...

    honey has natural antisaptics and antibiotic its very moisturizing

    also aloe of course...and vitamin e

    i have a remedy for scarring

    i sleep with the honey on it

    during the day i use a concoction of vitamin e

    (only use vitamins and squeeze the not use vitamin e oil)

    olive oil and cocoa butter

    i used this for several gashes and also during pregnancy

    i have no scarring from anything ive ever applied this to


  2. Aloe Vera...either straight from the plant or from the bottle.  You can pick it up where the sunscreen products are located.

  3. Aloe Vera Gel, Vitamin E, Melaleuca oil or a Triple Antibiotic ointment.

    Let the air get to it as often as you can. If it is a bad burn & blisters, don't break the blister, just let it break on it's own. Wrap it at night with gauze if needed. Good luck...hope it heals soon. x*x   =o`)

  4. Pure vitamin E oil from your local health food store. use it twice a day for several months.

  5. **Use vitamin E oil

  6. I have read that vitamin E rubbed on the surface of your skin might reduce the scarring.

  7. apply some NEAT Essential oil of Lavender

    apply some Aloe Vera jelly on a regular basis

    apply some Vitamin E oil (highest potency will to pay for)

    use singly or together as you desire.

  8. There is a cream that is prescription called Flamzine that will help with the burn pain and the scaring

  9. Lots and lots of margaritas and you should keep your legs elevated.


  10. spread a generous amount of vitamin E on it.

  11. I use Aloe Vera on all my cuts and burns...No scars...Hope you feel better.  Love honey

  12. One thing you can do is to take a 400 IU softgel of Vitamin E, then CAREFULLY poke a hole in it. Squeeze out the oil and spread it out evenly onto the affected area. If you have more than one area that's been affected, spread out the amount that's used evenly to each area. One important point that none of the others have mentioned is that you should NOT use too much Vitamin E... it is fantastic for healing up skin and preventing scars, but too much vitamin E can build up to toxic levels in your body. If you get a liquid Vitamin E, make sure you follow the recommendations on the limits (typically no more than 1,000 IU per day including supplements taken internally).

    If it is too sensitive to massage an oil on it, try soaking it in Aloe until it feels good enough to massage the Vitamin E in.

    Also, if you would like more benefits, there are some supplements you could take internally to help the health of your skin. Some of the most popular ones are Biotin, Silica (commonly from Horsetail), Squalene, Hyaluronic Acid, MSM, L-Cysteine, Collagen, and most antioxidants.

    Good luck!

  13. My brother burnt himself badly when he little.  He got a prescription for a medicine called Siladine (not sure of the spelling).  He has NOT one trace of a scar!!!!!

    Several people I know have used it on bad burns and none of them have scarred.

    You apply the med and wrap it.  The med turned a silverish/gray color - it that helps when you ask you doctor about it.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  14. mederma

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