
What can I do that's different with my horse this summer?

by Guest57729  |  earlier

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I'm really bored with the same old routine with my horse, and he is too. I want to do something new, different, and exciting with him. Please, don't give me the usual; I want out-of-the-ordinary, fun stuff. If you can provide pictures or websites, that would be cool too. Thanks for any help you can give.




  1. What are you doing right now?  I have always heard that training your horse for a different discipline is supposed to keep them active, learning and interested.  Even just switching up your routine everyday, maybe you always do a walk-trot-canter workout, try mixing it up a bit.  Also try searching for some gymkhana or 4H games.  They have some interesting games!

  2. Here is a photo album from the annual Halloween Horse show at my barn. Besides the costume class pictures, there are different events, like egg and spoon and other "made-up" games.

    You could experiment with other disciplines and see if there is something else you really like. For example if you do jumping, try something western. Or if you do reining, try something english.

    Teach your horse some tricks! That is fun, rewarding and a great way to show off your horse!

    Here's a great book to teach you how to do many different tricks!  - There is a DVD version too.

    You and some friends could trailer to state parks and go trail riding every weekend. If you go to a different state park every weekend (or every time you go) it is fun. And when you run out and have to go to a park you've already been to, you can ask for a campsite on the other side of the park, or just go on different trails! Here are some pictures of the "Trail Camps" we have at my barn. A bunch of us go overnight camping at a local state park and go trail riding, swimming in the lakes, and even practice our events (jumping over logs, barrel racing around trees, etc.) to make it interesting. :)

    Here is the photo album, including pictures of the first day where we practice obsticals that we could find on the trail:

    You could also do obstical courses with strange things you've never done! You can look at the Trail Camp photo album, or this one - - for ideas for obsitcals! (I went to a 2-day clinic this past weekend and we had to walk over a mattress! That was something different! - A clinic by "the common horseman" - website listed above.)

    Go to a clinic and learn new things to teach your horse that could help your performance in shows - if you show.


    I didn't notice your name either - and the obsticals and trail riding will really help prepare for endurance!!

  3. Well, seeing as you're a budding endurance rider desensitizing your horse could be something fun and different.  Get together with some of your barn buddies and find the craziest things you can.  One time I went through an obstacle course with pool noodles, bubble wrap, a kiddie pool and shopping bags filled with tissue paper (note: the bubble wrap brings an interesting reaction :D).  Another fun event would be a ride and tie.  If you don't know what that is check out these websites...

    Googling the words "ride and tie" will also bring up successful results.  Also, you can do horse scavenger hunts where somebody goes out ahead of time and places random objects on a trail and then writes up a list of clues and you and some friends have to ride out and try and find the stuff.  And for a challenge, you can try training your horse in a different discipline.  For instance, I ride dressage but for a month or so one summer I had my Oldenburg mare barrel racing (or trying to) and acting like a western pleasure horse.  This is great because it gives you exposure to a new discipline and it really makes your horse sit up and take notice of what's going on.  Setting up mini eventing competitions with your friends or setting up an equitation class is always fun.  And no horse doesn't enjoy a good old fashioned spa day! Hope that helps!

  4. twilight star where were you for all my enudrance needs questions?!?!?!? lol

    my suggestion (what i did one summer) : took our horse camping for 2 weeks. he loved it, i loved it, and it was totally different then anything i'd ever done before that.  there were other riders were we usually camp, so we'd meet up in the morning and riding all morning, take a break and eat lunch. then go back out for an evening ride. we did this more days then not, and all the horses and riders had a blast. my horse even learned what a mule was that camping trip.

  5. have you tried riding him through water

  6. Endurance Riding. I know its been out there for a while but I just got into it and its so new and awesome for my horse and me. Puts our minds to full power on getting the course beat. Something to look into. Also Steeple Chasing is pretty cool, but is kind of like horse racing only with huge jumps coming up at you with other horses thundering down the track beside you. Tried it once and stopped because its scarey if you think about falling and getting squashed. I hope I helped with some new ideas!

    haha omgoodness I just noticed your name after I put endurance riding down, kind of figured after thats what you do but I will still keep what I have, I am searching for more right now to see if anything new is out there :)

    What is Endurance Riding?

    Endurance Rides are races over a trail of 50 to 150 miles. Terrain can be varied and challenging. The events are commonly held over one to three days. Horses are checked by qualified veterinarians and judges before, during and after the ride.

    Every caution is taken to ensure the safety and health of the horses. To win you must maintain a fast past of over 10 miles an hour, but many people ride just to finish.

    What is the Goal?

    If you are riding to win, you'll have to learn to condition your horse so that it can maintain a high speed over long distances. The first horse across the finish line is the winner. For many the goal is to ride the distance and have their horse finish sound and healthy. The mantra for long distance riders is "to finish is to win."

    What You Will Need

    Almost any horse, except the heaviest draft breeds are suitable for endurance riding. Horses with heavy muscles, and ponies may be suitable as long as they aren't pushed to travel too fast. Arabians tend to be the most suitable.

    Any saddle that is comfortable and fits both horse and rider.

    A bridle. A bitless bridle or endurance bridle makes it easier for the horse to eat or drink on trail.


    Lead rope



    Comfortable clothes and approved helmet.

    Extra saddle pads or girth to replace sweat soaked or muddy ones.

    Feed for your horse.

    Coolers, rain sheets and blankets according to the weather. Be prepared for any weather.

    Comfortable clothing, including approved helmet. Be prepared for any weather.

    Grooming tools.

    Electrolytes-a salt/sugar solution that helps keep your horse hydrated.

    Your horse will need to be shod. If the terrain is rocky you may want to use pads and caulks.

    What to Expect

    When you arrive at the ride site, make your horse comfortable. Participants often camp over night as starts are often in the early morning hours. At the entry desk you'll receive your ride package containing a number and score sheet as well as other information.

    You'll take your horse to the vets and judges for a thorough examination. They record information such as pulse, respiration, temperature and hydration. You'll be asked to trot your horse out on a loose lead so they can assess its soundness and attitude.

    After the vet check you'll bed down for the night. Picket lines or portable stalls are common ways of containing horses overnight. You'll want to pre-load your horse with an electrolyte solution and make sure he is eating and drinking.

    Early in the morning you'll start out on trail. All competitors start at the same time. These mass starts can be exciting. Some people like to wait at their trailers until the dust settles.

    You'll want to give your horse every opportunity to drink and eat along the trail. Veterinary checks along the way make sure your horse is healthy and sound. Your horse will be checked very thoroughly again at the end. Awards and prizes are handed out after the majority of horses have finished.

    Preparing Your Horse

    Your horse should be in good health, and perfectly sound. If your horse is overweight or very unfit, start very slowly. Begin by riding 4 to 6 days a week, five miles per workout, at a pace of 4-6 miles per hour. Gradually increase your time, distance and speed. Start conditioning at least 8 to 12 weeks before the event.

    Before attempting an endurance ride, you may want to participate in some competitive trail rides or mileage rides where you can learn to pace your horse over slightly shorter distances. Ride over varied terrain including steep climbs. Teach your horse to be calm around highway and off road vehicles.

    Preparing Yourself

    Endurance riding demands a high level of fitness of horse and rider. In addition to riding consider doing some cardio building exercise. Eat properly, and try to go into the event rested. A tired rider is harder for a horse to carry. (Compare carrying a sleeping child, to one that is awake.)

    Dress comfortably and bring a change of clothing. Know your horse and learn to recognize signs that he may be tired, uncomfortable or lame. You'll want to recruit a support crew to help look after your horse and you during the ride. Learn how to give your horse electrolytes.

    At the End of The Day

    This is a challenging sport. Your goal won't be to win your first endurance ride. Many riders ride just to finish. Riding a horse over a trail of 50 miles or more is an achievement whether you place first or last. You'll get fit, make friends and learn more with each mile.

  7. Any way you can put together a drill team with some of your friends?  That can be extreme fun!

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