
What can I do this summer since I can't get on a plane right now I have to stay home bound?

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Work is uneventful and my good friend Just got on a plane to go to Greece and I was suppose to go this summer but I had an expensive wedding that I was in of a friend :((( Now what can I do this summer for the month of August?????????????????????????




  1. Get a really hot bikini, and spend the summer covering it up.

  2. Perhaps just spend some quiet time within. Sometimes the most enjoyable & productive times on a personal level are when we "do nothing".


  3. Get real, volunteer at a hospital or something.

  4. Where do you live?

    I say rent out a house with a bunch of friends in a different city near hiking and a river.  Sharing the cost will save your pocketbook and it could a lot of fun.

  5. um..... take day trips to neat attractions close by...even the zoo can be fun if you haven't been in a while.

    Have a picnic in the park.  feed some ducks or a good book.....make last min plans with some friends.....

  6. I do not know all your facts . But the mountains are cool . So is the beach . But in the mountains there are less people , cleaner air and great chances to do artistic things . Sitting on a bolder and meditating under a blue sky and the scent of pine in the air can move the world . But thats me . Shop ?  

  7. Hi -

    I say go find a park in your neighborhood and read a book or two that will take you away. I would suggest Barbara Kingsolver's "The Poisenwood Bible" and "Prodigal Summer". They are fantastic. And they really take you away.  

  8. Maybe you could go to Lake George or Mohunk Mountain for a quiet weekend in the country. A little swimming in a lake, hike on some trails, rest, fresh air and new faces. Take along a Kingsolver book if you like, and get a massage and a steam bath.

    Somehow it doesn't seem fair that you have to sacrifice your trip to Greece.

  9. Day trips are always fun especially with some friends. Depending on where you live you can take a train into the city or plan some beach days. You can also do some reorganizing by like putting old and new photos into albums or making a scscrapbookshe library or Borders are also great places because you can buy or check out some books and movies and use them as a time suck.

    Have a great rest of the summer!

  10. Catch up on your reading. Shop, eat out with friends, see some movies. or like me keep us entertained here on P&S.

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