
What can I do to assure a child of 9 years old that I love him? I have tried everything.?

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What can I do to assure a child of 9 years old that I love him? I have tried everything.?




  1. I would say a child just knows you love them by your actions and  when you give them their basic need(food, shelter, attentions, and safety) they  will feel love but I know from experience the harder you try the more they expect.  They can come to expect the thing you do that are extra and then when you don't do them, they can manipulate you into thinking you aer not a good parent.  Just provide  them with the comforts and  basics, I dont think our parents worried this much about making sure that we knew they loved us. you just knew. Discipline and structure when they are wrong teaches them too that we want them to be safe.

  2. You say you have tried everything, but have you tried the things he is interested in or talked about? My sons are 8 and my nephew is 9. They are all best friends and I shower them with hugs and kisses. I also rock them in my rocking chair when they are upset, even as big as they are. It calms them and reminds them of when they were smaller.

    We also do things together and apart. Sometimes when you are alone with one of them, they just start talking and open up to you. You need to roll with it. Let him talk about what he wants to talk about. Be supportive and participate in the conversation. We also do guys day out and only us guys go to the beach and out to lunch. You don't have to spend alot either, they are just happy to come along. Maybe there is something you and he could do together that he has been wanting to do. Ask him.

  3. Be a parent and don't get weird; you'll freak the kid out and they'll get tired of it. Just feed them, play with them, make sure they have everything they need, and tell them you love um before sleep and thats enough.

  4. just telling him,and being there when he needs you.i know how you feel,i have a 10 year old boy he doesnt want hugs and cuddlin is out.i tell him everyday how much i love him and get one hug at least everyday.

  5. i have honestly spent alot of time around childern im not an expert but i can say that child assurance isnt something u can do but something they have to do all u can do is be there for them spend time with them doing things together and be around they will develope the idea on their own but it is important that they develope the idea by themselves and its not forced. It is alot more natural that way i would also say tell them u love them when u can and dont always expect it back it will happen in time but u have to be some what patient and understanding. the track ur on is awesome asking for advice thumbs up to u.

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