
What can I do to change my karma?

by Guest31626  |  earlier

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Over the past couple days I have been experiencing some unwanted karma - major inconveniences and hassles at best, loved ones and even people in the grocery store near me stricken ill at worst. I am desperate to change my karma but can't think of what to do! I do believe in the law of attraction, but I'm not attracting anything pleasant right now.l Please help me with suggestions - thank you!




  1. first you need to de-stress you need to attract good karma... do simple thing pick up rubbish. dont litter , open/hold the door for others. if you find loose change on the floor put it in a charity box or give it as part of a tip, smile not for just for your own benefit but for others start small and the rest will come naturally also try taking up thai chai to help focus your energy and maybe a little zen in the home would help to focus the good zen in your place as well as your body heart and mind

    hope this help

    oh and use strong mantra's that really mean something to you

  2. Don't blame the things that go wrong in your life on Karma.  

    Also you have the common wrong idea about what karma is karma is meant to take place after death. What you do in life effects what we'll happen in the afterlife. Or at least that is the original idea and belief from hinduism.

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