
What can I do to continue SCUBA or should I just give up?

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I've been taking diving lessons for about a month now (under normal conditions I would be done). I had to stop then restart because of an ear problem. The first time I went to the bottom of the 15' pool, I was able to equalize on the descent just fine, but when I ascended, my left eardrum burst and my right eardrum sustained a small tear. Supposedly this is a reverse squeeze. Well, my eardrums healed and I was cleared to dive by a prominent ear doctor. Well I went back and went to the bottom again clearing just fine but the ascent killed my left ear. It didn't burst, but its killing me. I was wondering what I should do or if I should even try scuba anymore. My doctor and instructors see no reason for my ear problems.





  1. Is your doctor a diver?  Mine was - and that is a big advantage.  Maybe give the healing a little extra time.  If it happens again - maybe 3 strikes and you are out?

  2. I had a student once who had reverse ear problems (although nowhere near as extreme as yours).

    She was helped by clearing out the eustacian tubes by breathing mentholated steam each night for a couple of weeks.

    This is cheap and available (as menthol crystals) from the chemist.

    Give the ear plenty of time to heal and remember the best advice for ear clearing is early and regular - don't wait for discomfort clear early and just enough.

    Good luck.

  3. Hi, Steve has a point. There are special diving ear plugs called Doc's Pro-ear. They may help.

    It sounds like you are able to push air up your eustachian tube (between the throat and the ear), but it will not come back out. This is odd.

    Do you have any congestion? Do you smoke?

    As I am sure you are aware, the air in your ear should make its own way out on ascent. Ask a DIVE doctor.

    What you may find useful is ascending slower, giving the trapped air some time to come out. What can help is to swallow, wiggle your jaw and perhaps extend your neck by looking up while ascending. It has worked for me when a bit congested.

  4. You can slowly desensitize yourself or find some special ear plugs that won't do damage to your inner ear, I don't care what anyone says, i use them, I'm still a diver

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