
What can I do to fall asleep before mid night?

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What can I do to fall asleep before mid night?




  1. try reading a book

  2. You can get more physically active during the day, such as walking, jogging or exercising for about an hour,  before 6 pm .

    Another thing is to refrain from drinking caffeinated beverages, and/or coffee and tea AFTER that time mark.

    Dimming the lights and reading a book while lying in bed, just before you intend to sleep, is also advisable.

    Taking a warm bath/shower just before your bedtime should also help.

    Turning off your mobile, TV, CD player/radio and other distractions, at bedtime.

    You may also want to meditate for at least a couple of minutes by concentrating on your in and out breath.

    Do not eat anything heavy 2-3 hours before your intended sleep time, and either have a vegetable soup, or a light snack instead.

    Drinking lots of water throughout the day, will ease your system into relaxation and detoxification.

    If you still toss and turn, then get up and do something around the house/room, and then try to sleep again minutes later.

    That was just off the top of my head. . .!

  3. Swimming!! The chlorine and the swimming makes you knackered!!

  4. listen to mellow music

  5. Well you could eat a turkey sandwic with a glass of milk both those

    items are good cures to sleeplessness. Remember thanksgiving

    when no one can stay awake after dinner. Sure cure for the problem

    or you can buy a bottle of l-theanine the natural ingredient in Turkey

    that will make you sleep and lastly the hospital nurses use benidril

    a harmless sneeze and hayfever overthe counter pill its even in child

    medications so its safe to take for a great nights sleep and you wont

    jones for more the next day and since you got such a great nights sleep oull want more sleep the next night its addictive sleep not the benidril the fact you got uninteruppted relaxed rest. try thm they all work for me and my family members love me for telling these secrets

    the e/r nurse gave me the benidril it not only let me sleep a good nights

    sleep It helped my hayfever. but use the turkey sandwich and milk first.

    Its natureal and then buy the ltheanine in sleep section of any walmart.


  6. if you figure it out, can you help me! school starts in 2 weeks and im still goin to bed at 2

  7. listen to classical music, believe me, THIS WORKS! i read an article that says that neuro/brain surgeons found out that classical/instrumental music calms the brain down by sending sound waves or something like that. drink warm milk and listen to classical to help you sleep, then try to get up early. Good luck, I myself am trying to get back to my sleep schedule.

  8. knock urself out with a brick

  9. get offa this d**n website.

  10. i fall asleep better when tired

    or cusshy pillow

    or if you want to drink water b4  

  11. Read

  12. Don't read or watch tv within 45 mins of going to bed as it keeps the circadian rhythm off balance, keeping your brain going and you r body unable to go into REM. Take some melatonin (natural chemical in your bran that keeps you asleep) about 20 mins before bed for a few days and that should help get you on track. You can get it at any health store, liquid is best.

  13. well...

    i try to relax half an hour before i go to sleep. read a book or do something that will help your eyes and mind calm down. i think drinking milk also helps.

  14. Get up very early in the morning.

    By the time it's 10pm, you'll sleep like a baby.

    After that, you'll get up earlier, ...

    Make it a routine

  15. exercise! do loads of excercise during the day. don't eat too late and then have a warn bath and give yourself plenty of time to wind down before bed.

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