
What can I do to find my uniqueness as a artist?

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Anybody can go take a class and learn how to paint and paint a picture. I want to be better that the average person and create artwork that people will want to buy. I want to create artwork that will be remembered. I was into art growing up. Even took an art class or two as a teenager. I overheard one art teacher comment to another teacher that I could paint whatever I wanted to paint. They I was very good at it. But once I became an adult, I put it aside to venture into other things. Is it possible for me to pick art up once more and be good at it. I signed up for an watercolor painting class next school year but I am nervous about it.

I know in my heart that its what I want to do.




  1. I'm not sure what you're asking here, everything we do is unique.

    If you could draw or paint once, then you can do it again. The ability, I believe, is something you're born with, just as someone can be born with the ability to have good arithmetic skills, or be a good musician. It'll stay with you forever, you just need to practice and perfect it. You're right, anyone can learn how to draw and paint, but only a few can persistently do it well. You gotta have that flare and imagination that sets you apart from others.

    It's true what they say; practice definitely makes perfect. If you feel enough passion for something, then you'll succeed.

    Good luck :)

  2. You should definitely give it another shot! I had always been interested in art as a child, but I went through this freakishly "practical" stage as a pre-teen and teen and quit doing what I loved. The funny thing is, not doing what you love is possibly the most impractical thing you can do; it is infinitely harder to succeed at things that you do not have a passion for. By the time I was in my third year of college, I realized that I had wasted my time working on things that I did not have a passion for and switched from poli sci to an art degree. When I first started, my professors were highly skeptical and didn't think I would successfully make it through my courses. Having not truly done art for about 10 years, I was behind all of the other students who had taken highschool courses, other college courses, etc. and was one of the worst in the class. By the end of the semester, however, I received the highest grade in the course. The next year, I took my first painting course ever (I had never painted aside from finger painting and was convinced it would be a huge struggle), and by the end my professor told me that I was beyond the grad level and soon will be able to start selling my work. I think sometimes people just know "in their heart" (as you said) what they should do, and those people should go for it. It sounds like you have a natural talent, and with some effort you could catch up to where you would have been. Even if people act like you are crazy at first, keep at it-- your natural talent likely will give you an incredible learning curve if you work very hard. Best of luck and congratulations for making a great choice-- that is, to trust your intuition.

    p.s. about finding your own unique style, I think you'll find it in class when you compare your work to others. You'll see how yours is different, and then you can elaborate on it/ emphasize it in later works. Also, it is a good idea to keep a scrapbook/nb with examples pasted in of artwork that inspires you. It will help give you an idea of what kind of work you want to create.

  3. got to experiment with diffrent media lines and styles

    this is how i found my flare

  4. To be unique you need to find your own style. Each person see's art differently... Look around at various artist's within the genre/s that you like to work in. Look at the medium/s you like to work with. Don't be afraid to try different ways until you find the one you like best. I am an artist and I admire those who are free, like with water color. I myself work in more of a realistic look, but my art is different from everyone else. So see where your style fits. Open, flowing, or strait and clean... Then put it up on sites like deviantart or others and see how people respond.

  5. Wanabe, just do it. Practice is the key word and personal studying of artist technique is another way to get back into the art stream. As you continue doing what YOU like in art, there gradually develops a feel of how you will achieve uniqueness. Many have come back into the fold after putting aside their brushes and paint, then by persistence in doing artwork they finally arrive as an artist. Remember, unless you are a commercial artist that paints for another instruction you should always do art for your own sake. The public will recognize the talent if it is there. immerse yourself and see the results picture by picture. Happy days await.


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