
What can I do to fix the underwire poking out of my bra?

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The underwire of my bra is poking through the fabric into my boob. Ouch. Anyone have a tip on how to fix this that doesn't involve me going home and changing bras? Advice that utilizes general office supplies is appreciated.




  1. get new higher quality bras

  2. I'd get a thick piece of tissue and place it under the exposed wire.  

    To save your bras from doing this, don't dry them in a dryer.  The life of your bra is amazingly longer if you just allow them to air dry.

  3. well you could put something on the sharp end of the wire, like plastic or rubber like a balloon piece. then sew up where it is poking through.

  4. There's always SOMEONE in an office who's super prepared. Go to them and ask if they have a sewing kit and if so, could you borrow it? Then go to the bathroom and quickly tack the tear so that it should last until you get home and can fix the thing properly. Works with popped buttons too!

  5. i would just pull out the wire. what???? it fixes the problem!!!! lol umm... good-luck with that :)

  6. Let me know where you are. I'll grab my tool and come right over and fix it for you. There is no charge for this service. I do it for the perks. They are perky; right?

  7. um.. throw it away and buy another

  8. Pull it out, then after work go buy a new one. newer bra's are made way better, so a good one should last you a while.

  9. Push it back in (farther than it originally was). Once its back in, maybe staple or paper clip it. Take a small bit of a paper towel or something durable (cut a paper cup if you need and reinforce the area such that the underwire won't break through again. Take the durable something and staple/paper clip that to your bra.

    If no office supplies work, just take out both underwires in your bra and put it back in when you get home.

    If you have needle and thread, sew the area where the wire broke the fabric. Once you get home if needed, take a small piece of extra cloth (denim is pretty strong) and sew that part onto the broken/ripped area of the bra fabric.

  10. When my poked through I removed it.  Pull it through the hole it is poking you through and take your letter opener and make a hole to pull the one on the other side out so you are more comfortable at work.

    I've done it myself.  If you want them back in you'll have to do a little stitching when you get home.

  11. just pull the whole wire out (on both sides) you may have to snip the edge; the bra still works and it's way more comfortable

  12. Hmmm, try pushing it back in and taping up the little hole. Or just pull the wshole darn thing out and go without the underwire until you get home. Then throw that bra away and start anew! :-)  

  13. I feel your pain, thats happened to me a few times. You could perhaps tape the hole in the fabric it's poking through with cellotape,or use some blu- tack? Good luck x

  14. umm....just buy a new one. if wire is already poking out, its only gonna get worse

  15. thats happened to me like twice before, try putting a little padding (tissue paper)  there to prevent it scratching your b***s.

  16. unless you have a needle and thread to whip stitch the opening where the wire is poking out you'll have to remove it and sew it later. I can't see where paper clips and scotch tape would work.

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