
What can I do to get all of my friends scared at my sleepover?

by  |  earlier

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I'm having a sleepover and i want to scare my friends to death i need help lol and i want one of them to say ''I want to go home''




  1. LOL been there, dun that. So freakin' fun. Hide a two way walkie talkie under your bed and have a sibling or other friend on the other end. Whenthe lights are turned off or it's a quiet moment, have the person on the other end start talking or breathing really heavily so that it sounds like something is uder your bed. Hide it under something or put it up into your matress so if someone is brave enough to check they can't see anything. And if you have a friend talk on the other end of the walkie-talkie, have her say i have to go to the bathroom or something so that she can get out of the room to talk into the walkie-talkie. It's really fun to see the others friends faces, but don't laugh, act scared.

    Good luck, and have fun girl. Helz yeah!

  2. If you really want to scare your friends you have to have to do more than walkie talkies. People are smart enough to know that kind of thing. This is how it'll go......

    You are outside while it's dark out and the neihborhood is quiet. You are playing a game together. Suddenly, you see something move in the trees or run behind a house or something. You mention it to your friends. They think it's your imagination. You see it again and scream. saying that you saw a guy and he was looking at straight at you. And they freak believing thinking that you saw something...

    Playing it in the park will really freak them out. They'll get nervous because they can't just go into the house. And the chances of them believing it will be greater because it's most likely for something like that to happen in the park than in your backyard. But don't say he was holding a knife or gun. That will be less believable. Your friends won't believe it. But saying that some guy was wondering around in the park and watching them would make them really uncomfortable and it would be more believable than a guy carrying a knife.

  3. Aww that's mean! Your poor friends :(

    Be careful what you do, or you may end up just making a fool out of yourself!

  4. make up horor stories & try to ask somone to make creepy noises after telling the story then scream and look innocent and then tell more creepy stories related to noises lol have fun!!

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