
What can I do to get my 11 year old daughter to be more active?

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I'm a single parent of 2 children. My son, who is 15, is very active and outgoing. My daughter, who is 11, is a homebody! She has friends, but chooses to sit in her room.....all the time! I go places and try to get her to go with me, but she would rather sit home. I don't have alot of extra money to spend on taking her places. So help......what can I do?




  1. She is spending too much time away from other people.  She may be depressed.  You need to talk to her, find out why she would rather spend time alone then with her friends.  Find out what she's interested in and see if you can find a group or sport that she can join.  Maybe she would enjoy earning some money babysitting to pay for what she likes to do.  It will help her self-worth to make money and join a group of peers doing something that they all enjoy.

  2. Tell her she's only aloud to go to her room or ANY room if she goes out to play at least an hour aday!

  3. MAKE her join some activities at school. It's not good for them to just sit around, that's how some kids get fat....

  4. make her get off her butt. And tell her to go get a life.

  5. Get her involved in some sort of school sport or club.

    Are you involved in a church? Youth groups are always doing various activities.

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