
What can I do to get my husband interested in life?

by  |  earlier

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My husband works 40hrs a week (that's a plus)... When he is home

he just sits on the sofa and watches t.v. he does not seem to care to do anything else. If I suggest doing something he'll say "o.k." and go along, but if I say "what do you want to do?" he'll answer with "I don't care". What am I doing wrong here?




  1. Since he is willing to let you choose.   Pick something you think he might enjoy.  Like a walk around the neighborhood or going out for dinner.

  2. He is relaxing from working all day. It is easy to become glued to the couch after a long day. Try planning a full weekend for the both of you to enjoy to get him out of the house.

  3. Do you know how lucky you are to have a husband that will do what ever you what. Every husband works 40 plus hrs a week and most won't get off the couch so count your blessings you have a husband that at least will do what you want.

  4. I'll give you a hint...

    "DON'T  TAZE ME BRO!!!"

  5. Sounds like he's happy just sitting watching TV. You don't say how he is when both of you are out. It would be easier to answer you question. He may be tired or depressed.

  6. It's called complacency. Once he attracted you and got you to marry him, he figured he could slack off and live life his own way. Too bad, but that's how it goes sometimes, and I wouldn't look for things to change if I were you...

  7. Men just don,t think that way so get use to it . thing is he sounds perfectly content doing what you do or want to do why are you complaining . Look at these woman in here complaining there men wont do anything . At least he will do what you want. All i can tell you is take advantage of it. Your kind of like his seeing eye dog . Without you he is lost in TV land .  

  8. Search for your own personal passion in life, work on it and you will find him participating with you!

  9. Work frazzled or maybe he is just doing what he saw his father do.  You're lucky he doesn't stop by the bar and forget to come home at all.  Have you tried talking to him about this?

  10. you're not doing anything wrong, he's tired, and wants to relax.

    When my husband get home from work, I leave him alone, but on the weekends I bug the c**p out of him.  

  11. Ah, I have heard this one from my own wife.  The truth is that he is simply happy doing anything as long as he is with you.  Odds are he is like me and while there are a lot of things in life that he enjoys doing, it is also just as enjoyable for him to sit in front of the tv with you beside him.  The best thing you can do is just to talk to him and let him know that it is important for him to occasionally pick things for the two of you to do together.  Beyond that you need to realize that he truly loves you and loves doing things with you.  His "I don't care." remark is just a general answer that means he would love to do anything as long as it is with you.  So take advantage of that and make plans and don't worry about if he likes it or not because for him it is all about being with you.

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