
What can I do to get on a teachers good side?

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We're not on the right track right now. *Differences*




  1. Well, one thing for starters is to talk to your teacher after class or during office hours and ask her specifically where the two of you went wrong? Obviously, there was an event or two that ticked them off a bit. BUT, what you can do in the meantime is show up to class on time and be prepared to start when the bell rings. You should actively engage in class discussions and ask questions when you don't understand something. You must come prepared to talk about the homework assignment or the material that you were assigned to read. Don't suck up or brown nose the teacher because that will be obvious and could count against you. Rather, you should be honest, genuine, and committed to improving your relationship and results will follow.

  2. pay attention more on his/her subject, show her/him that u like his/her subject, do wat he/she said, ask advice from him/her, call her/him sumtimes to show that u like to talk to her/him! i oso have my own favourite teacher! she is my high school biology teacher n she teaches me a lot although i failed her subject but still, she is caring bout me!

  3. show that you are interested in what he/she is teaching ,show that u are eager to learn more,be polite(even when they get u really mad or you dislike them) answer question in class,do your homework and dont give her/him trouble in class. i hope all works well ^_^

  4. Three things do it for me.


    2.  Behave in my class

    3.  Talk to me during down time and get to know me

  5. tell he/she looks good every day. give them compliments.

    do your homework. always tell them your happy you got it done.

    ask questions. act like your actually interested in what they are talking about.

    laugh at their dumb jokes.

  6. As a teacher, kids can make me happy by just doing thier work and not causing trouble.  If you want to take it to the next level, then answer questions in class, ask relevant questions about the topic and maybe even find the teacher before or after class to talk about the subject.  Showing an interest really helps.

  7. From my experience, teachers love vodka. Lots and lots of vodka. What do you think those teacher's lounges are for. The massive cigarette smoking is to cover the smell of the alcohol.  

  8. Do your homework, be polite, and behave

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